In addition to having the region’s most affordable tuition, we offer thousands of dollars in scholarships every year. Learn more about scholarships and aid for your family and consumer sciences degree at Wayne State College.
Family and Consumer Sciences Degree
Do you have a passion for home-related functions such as family living, consumer economics, foods and nutrition, clothing and textiles, child development, and parenting? If yes, consider a Family and Consumer Sciences degree from Wayne State College. As a Family and Consumer Sciences major, you'll get to choose from one of four concentrations to prepare for careers that improve individual, family, and community well-being, and impact the development, delivery, and evaluation of consumer goods and services. Concentrations include:
Family and consumer sciences
Fashion Merchandising
Foods and Nutrition
Interior Design
If you pursue the family and consumer sciences concentration, you'll gain a general background in fashion merchandising, foods and nutrition, and interior design so that you can work in any related field. If you want to teach family and consumer sciences, consider our Family and Consumer Sciences Occupational field endorsement.

Percent of recent WSC graduates employed or in graduate school
based on the most recent graduate survey
Fast Facts
Degrees offered: B.A. or B.S. in family and consumer sciences
Hours required:
FCS core: 18
FCS concentration: 39
General studies: 30
To graduate from WSC: 120
Popular minors: Family Life Studies, Foods and Nutrition, Merchandising and Design, Spanish
School: Business and Technology
Department: Technology and Applied Science
Nationally Ranked Program

Recognized for Excellence
Best Colleges of Distinction, 2022-23
Colleges of Distinction

Best Colleges of Distinction, 2022-23
Recognized for Excellence
Colleges of Distinction
Wayne State College has been named as a College of Distinction. Colleges of Distinction honors and recognizes the hundreds of smaller, teaching-centered colleges that make up the fabric of the American educational system, schools that deliver well four overarching distinctions — Engagement, Teaching, Community, and Outcomes — which are the fundamental elements of an effective undergraduate education.
To be designated a “college of distinction,” a school’s curriculum must emphasize such core competencies as critical thinking, writing, oral skills, research, and global perspectives. They must also offer dynamic out-of-classroom learning and study abroad programs. The process is objective, in-depth, and qualitative; however, quantitative data such as class-size statistics, faculty-to-student ratio, plus retention and four-year graduation rates are also taken into account.
Scholarships and Aid
Our Focus is Results
Wayne State has the keys to your success and offers just what you need to become well prepared for the real world in the family and consumer sciences degree program.
Skills Learned
- Clothing construction and textiles
- Food preparation and baking
- Housing development and design
- Family and personal relationship building
- Family resource management
- Consumer economics
- Parenting and family relationships
- Household technology and safety
- Critical thinking and problem-solving
- Leadership and organization
- Time management
Possible Careers
- Parent educator
- Family life educator
- Family services worker
- Clothing specialist
- Events coordinator
- Food service manager
- Nutritional consultant
- Paraprofessional in education
- Schools, colleges, and universities
- Daycares / preschools
- Government agencies
- Community centers
- Non-profit organizations
- Human or social services
- Family service agencies
- Retail stores
- Specialty shops and boutiques
- Nutrition service companies
Learn From the Best
Our faculty are accomplished. Several are highly regarded as experts and have been recognized with notable honors and awards. And with a low student-to-faculty ratio, you'll be sure to receive an excellent education in the family and consumer sciences degree program.

Erin Arneson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Outside the Classroom
At Wayne State College, you’ll have opportunities to enhance your education in the family and consumer sciences degree program by participating in clubs, organizations, art shows, internships, and more.

Clubs and Organizations

Make a difference in the community while learning skills you can apply toward your future career. Wayne State’s Service-Learning program has received national awards in recognition of outstanding community service, with more than 400 students participating in Service-Learning projects each semester.

- District competitions – Judge district competitions in the FCCLA organization.
- Peer tutoring and mentoring programs – Help fellow students master their courses and improve their skills, or be part of a support system for new students, all while gaining valuable experience for your resume.

We encourage all students to complete an internship before graduating with a family and consumer sciences degree. Career Services is available to help you find internships and job opportunities in this field of study.