Advanced Placement/Credit by Examination
Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board
A student may be awarded advanced placement and college credit on the basis of scores on the College Entrance Examination Board tests. Students who earn grades of 3, 4, or 5 may receive credit for corresponding college courses, which are most nearly equivalent to the test, as approved by the department chair of the area concerned, the Dean of the School and the Records and Registration Office. Contact your high school counselor for further information about enrolling in Advanced Placement (AP) courses and sending official AP scores to WSC.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
In accordance with the recommendations of the American Council on Education, WSC accepts the results of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) for specific exams. If credit is earned after a student has achieved senior class status at WSC, only 6 of the last 30 baccalaureate hours may be completed through the use of such CLEP credit. WSC grants CLEP credit within these limitations:
General Examinations (College Mathematics, Humanities or Natural Sciences examination only)
- The examinee must meet the minimum A.C.E. recommended score equivalent to a grade of “C”.
- Six hours of credit normally will be granted for successful completion of the Humanities general examinations.
Subject Examinations
- The examinee must meet the A.C.E. recommended score equivalent to a grade of “C” on all recognized subject examinations. The subject examination in English will require an essay. To earn credit in biology and chemistry, the student must achieve the minimum scores and meet with the appropriate department chair or Dean concerning lab requirements.
- The credit hours granted shall be the same amount granted for the completion of a similar course at WSC. The Holland Academic Success Center maintains the policies regulating CLEP credit accepted toward graduation at WSC. Please contact the Holland Academic Success Center for more information and additional regulations.
Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
Service personnel may receive credit for the same CLEP exams through DANTES as WSC accepts through The College Board and Educational Testing Service. In order to be granted the appropriate CLEP credits, service personnel must meet all regulations as listed above including earning the minimum A.C.E. recommended scores as listed in our CLEP informational brochure. WSC academic departments have not evaluated all the various DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST’s), so all those tests are not currently accepted as credit.
Departmental Advanced Placement Credit
An academic department of WSC may allow advanced placement credit for a course in that department. The student must pay a $10 per credit hour fee.
Credit by Institutional Examination
A currently enrolled WSC student is eligible to challenge a course for which she/he is not enrolled. The student must complete the exam within the semester for which it is requested. The fee for the Credit by Exam is $10 per credit hour attempted.
A student may not take an examination for credit in any course which:
- is a prerequisite for a course already completed
- has a lower level of required proficiency than a course completed
- involves content significantly similar to a course completed
- the student has previously earned a grade. Credit earned by examination is applicable toward degree requirements and is entered on the student’s record. If a student challenges a course unsuccessfully, he/she may not repeat the challenge for at least 12 months.
The department chair must approve the exam. The appropriate forms and instructions are available from the Records and Registration Office.
Credits by institutional exam from other schools are not accepted for transfer at WSC.