Every effort is made to ensure this information is current, but please be aware that some content may have changed. There is no substitute for developing a careful course registration plan in consultation with your advisor. The class sequence listed is suggested only. The final decision rests with the student and academic advisor.
A minimum of 90 hours is required to apply to most dental schools; however the recent trend is that only students with a completed B.S. (or B.A.) degree have been accepted. So, students are strongly encouraged to work towards a major. The model below is a representation of a major in biology and shows only the minimum course expectations for UNMC. Participation in this pre-professional program at WSC does not guarantee acceptance at the selected institution for completion of the degree.
2023-24 Academic Year
Freshman - 1st semester
BIO 110 Biology Concepts (General Studies CAT 7) (4)
CHE 106 Chemistry I (4)
ENG 102 English Composition (General Studies CAT 1) (3)
General Studies (3)
Freshman - 2nd semester
BIO 200 Zoology (4)
CHE 107 General Chemistry II (4)
*ENG 206 Workplace Writing (3)
Elective (3)
General Studies (3)
Sophomore - 3rd semester
BIO 104 Environmental Concerns (General Studies CAT 10) (3)
BIO 220 Human Anatomy (4)
CHE 314 Organic Chemistry I (4)
General Studies (6)
Sophomore - 4th semester
BIO 210 Experimental Plant Science (4)
CHE 315 Organic Chemistry II (4)
MAT 180 Applied Probability and Statistics (General Studies CAT 3) (3)
General Studies (3)
Junior - 5th semester
BIO 301 Biology Seminar (1)
BIO 320 Molecular Genetics (4)
PHY 201 General Physics I (3)
PHY 321 Physics Lab I (1)
Electives (6)
Junior - 6th semester
#BIO 340 Human Physiology (4)
BIO 370 Intro to Research (2)
**BIO 486 Immunology (3)
PHY 202 General Physics II (3)
PHY 322 Physics Lab II (1)
Senior - 7th semester
BIO 397 Biology Internship (1)
**CHE 326 Biochemistry I (4)
**Disease or Human Form and Function elective (4)
Electives (6)
Senior - 8th semester
BIO 425 Evolution (3)
BIO 469 Senior Seminar (1)
**Disease or Human Form and Function elective (3-4)
Electives (6)
Elective courses suggested but not required include:
BIO 385 Microbiology (4)
BUS 142 Survey of Accounting (3)
BUS 222 Business Law (3)
CHE 426 Biochemistry II (3)
*Required for many dental programs - check with the school of your intended enrollment
**Recommended but not required
***Human Form and Function - Choose two or more classes from: BIO 330 Histology, BIO 340 Human Physiology, BIO 434 Advanced Cell Biology, BIO 443 Advanced Anatomy, BIO 409 Comparative Anatomy and Embryology
***Disease - Choose two or more classes from: BIO 336 Cancer Biology, BIO 385 Microbiology, BIO 340 Parasitology, BIO 486 Immunology