General Degree Requirements
Total Hours
The MBA consists of a minimum of 30 credit hours.
A minimum overall average of “B” (3.00 on a 4.00 scale) will be required of all graduate students. This average is based on all courses attempted. In computing this average, no grade below a “C” for WSC courses will be accepted toward completion of the MBA. A “C‐” is not acceptable. A course receiving an S/NC grade cannot be used in the MBA degree program. At least 30 credit hours must be beyond the Common Body of Knowledge component in courses normally reserved for graduate students.
Transfer Credit
A maximum of 9 graduate credits (15 from another Nebraska state college or university), subject to evaluation by the Dean of Business and Technology, may be transferred from another graduate institution and applied toward a degree from Wayne State. Only transfer credit of “B” grade or better will be accepted. A “B‐” is not acceptable.
Academic Load
The maximum load of graduate credit hours for graduate students, without special permission, is 9 hours during regular sessions, 7 hours during the May and June sessions, and 4 hours during the July session. If you wish to register for more than the maximum number, you should consult with your advisor, then contact the appropriate school office for approval and forward that information to the Office of Records and Registration. Full‐time status for graduate students is 9 credit hours.
Satisfactory Progress
Graduate students working on a graduate degree must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 to continue in good standing. If you do not maintain an overall GPA of 3.0, you will be placed on probation for the next 6 credit hours. If you fail to raise you GPA to a 3.0, you will be removed from the program. Appeals may be made to the appropriate school office and subsequently to the Graduate Council.
Time Limit
Commencing with the date of first course registration, all requirements for the degree must be met within 10 calendar years. Courses can be no more than 10 years old at the time of graduation.
Final Examination
No comprehensive final examination is required. However, BUS 692 Administrative Policy will be utilized as a capstone course for all MBA candidates.
You must file an application for graduation with the Graduate Office no later than the end of the second week of the semester in which you intend to graduate. All other requirements, including completion of in-progress grades from previous terms, must be met by the end of the sixth week of the semester of graduation.
Summer graduates with no more than 6 credit hours of coursework and/or an internship remaining to complete their degree during the summer are eligible to participate in May commencement ceremonies. All other program graduation requirements must be completed by the set dates as if they were a May graduate.
Once your name appears in a commencement program, your name will not be listed again in any subsequent commencement programs, nor will you be able to participate in any upcoming commencement exercises.