Fast Facts
By the Numbers
Student enrollment: 4,807
Students come from 39 states and 47 countries.
Student-to-faculty ratio: 19:1
Most popular undergraduate programs:
- Business Administration
- Pre-Professional Programs (medicine, dental, pharmacy, physical therapy, engineering, etc.)
- Criminal Justice
- Elementary Education (K-8)
- Industrial Technology
- Life Sciences (Biology)
- Special Education: K-6, 7-12, K-12
- Art
- Social Sciences (History, Politics, Geography)
- Psychology
Entering freshmen in top 50% of high school class: 64%
Average high school GPA of entering freshmen: 3.37
Average ACT composite of entering freshmen: 21
Ratio of men to women: 39%:61%
Full-time faculty with terminal degrees: 82%
There are 122 full-time, ranked faculty, 138 part-time faculty, and 21 graduate assistants.
Number of student organizations: 100+
Wayne State’s four academic schools, Arts and Humanities, Business and Technology, Education and Behavioral Sciences, and Science, Health, and Criminal Justice, offer more than 130 programs of study and 55 minors in 15 academic departments, awarding bachelor’s, master’s and education specialist degrees in a variety of programs and fields.
Other Facts
Wayne State College serves a 46-county area.
Infrastructure totals 29 buildings, which includes seven residence halls, and 132 classrooms and labs on an attractive 128-acre campus.
Wayne and Douglas counties are the largest producers of Wayne State College students in Nebraska, followed closely by Madison County.
Woodbury County is the largest producer of Wayne State College students in Iowa.
There are approximately 17,800 Wayne State College alumni in the state of Nebraska. There are more than 3,600 in Iowa. The next three largest concentrations of alumni are in South Dakota, Colorado, and Arizona. There are more than 30,000 total Wayne State College alumni.
Of students surveyed who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in 2021-22, 97.7% of alumni are either employed or in graduate school (based on most recent graduate survey of 480 students with an 85% response rate). 80% of students surveyed from the 2021-22 graduation classes stayed in Nebraska for employment or graduate school.
Each WSC academic building contains more than one smart classroom, also known as technology-enhanced classrooms, which create new opportunities in teaching and learning by integrating networking, digital, and audio visual technologies.