Wayne State College

Download Zoom Recordings

1.    Sign into MyWSC.

2.    Click Show More Apps.

3.    In the list of Apps, click Zoom.

zoom icon

4.    Click Recordings located on left side of your browser window.

Zoom recording menu

5.    Click the 3 dots at the end of the row of a Recorded Meeting and click Download.

Recording item 3dots button

Recording download menu

Note: You may have multiple files part of each meeting.  It will download all the files at once.

6.    Save these files in a location on your WSC OneDrive account.

7.    Your recording meeting will be a Video file with the filename of: GMTyyyymmdd_FirstName-LastName_1280x720.mp4. This will be file you can use to upload to Kaltura. Once the video has been uploaded into Kaltura. You can delete the file in your OneDrive.

Last Updated: 4/1/22