Wayne State College

Zoom - Share Screen with Computer Lab


Download Zoom Program

Note: If you have already downloaded the Zoom program skip down to the next section.

1. Sign into Zoom at wsc.zoom.us

2. Click on My Meetings in the left menu.

Zoom online my meetings

3. Click the Start button on your personal meeting room.

Zoomonline my meetings start meeting

4. It will automatically download and launch the Zoom application.


Schedule a Future Reccuring Zoom Meeting

Start from Desktop Software

1. Open Zoom.

Zoom signin

2. Sign in using the Sign in with SSO option.

Zoom sign in sso

3. Type in wsc and press Continue.

Zoom signin domain

4. Enter WSC username and password.

5. Click the Schedule button. 

Zoom schedule button

6. In the Topic textbox, type in the name of the meeting and check the box next to Recurring meeting. You do not need to fill out the When information.

Zoom schedule settings

7. In the Video (when joining a meeting) section, select Off  for the Host and the Participants.

8. In the Audio Options section, select Telephone Only. This requires participants/students to call into the meeting with their phone to share their audio in the meeting. This eliminates the possiblity of a participant joining the meeting with a computer that has a webcam connected and it automatically shares the audio. 

9. In the Meeting Options section, check the box next to Enable join before host, if you want participants to be able to join the meeting before you, the Host. This does allow participants to join the meeting at any time even outside of class. 

If you do not want to allow students to join before you, leave the box unchecked. 

10. In the Calendar section, select Outlook.

11. Click the Schedule button.

12. If you selected Outlook as your Calendar, Outlook will open and create a new email meeting connection information.

13. In the new email, add the email addresses of the meeting participants and yourself to the To textbox and check the Start Time and End Time to make sure they are correct. You can paste the students' email addresses in the To field or copy the connection information in the body of the email and paste it into an email using the program you normally use to contact your students. This could be the Messages tool in a Canvas course or in WildcatsOnline.

Zoom schedule outlook meeting

14. In email program or Outlook, click Send.  


Join the Meeting

1. Login to email program and Open the email and click the Join from PC website link

Please contact the Campus Service Center at 402-375-7107 or visit us in the library for further assistance.

Last Updated: 11/25/2019