Wayne State College

File Storage

WSC has two types of storage for electronic files. Campus storage, being the J:drive which is personal storage that all students, faculty, and staff have and the G:drive which is shared storage between students, faculty, and staff with a wide range of permissions. The second type of storage we offer, and one meant to supplant the majority of use-cases for campus storage, is OneDrive which is online storage that all students, faculty, and staff have access to. In Windows using a campus computer, the J:drive will indicate when you are reaching your storage limit with a red indication line and your storage level compared to your maximum availability.

It is recommended to move your files from your J:Drive to OneDrive for your conviencence as it offers more storage without needing to request extra as it gets full (as one would with the J:Drive) and allows access from anywhere using the OneDrive desktop, web, and mobile apps. OneDrive also offers more peace-of-mind knowing that any files put in the OneDrive folder on their work machines, or uploaded via the various apps, is backed up and even if the worst were to happen with their computer or the campus network, their files would be safe and still accessable online.

With this availability of OneDrive, we are recommending a cleanup of your electronic files. Below are some ways to organize your files and move them to OneDrive.