Wayne State College

Scheduling a Zoom Phone Conference


Download Zoom Program

Note: If you have already downloaded the Zoom program skip down to the next section.

1. Sign into Zoom at wsc.zoom.us

2. Click on My Meetings in the left menu.

Zoom online my meetings

3. Click the Start button on your personal meeting room.

Zoomonline my meetings start meeting

4. It will automatically download and launch the Zoom application.


Schedule a Phone Conference

1. If prompted, log in with your WSC username and password.

2. Select Schedule from the Home screen.

3. The Topic is the title or name of your meeting, type your desired topic.

4. Select a start date, start time, and duration for your upcoming meeting.

Zoom schedule meeting options

5. Since this is a phone only conference, turn the Video option off for Host and Participants.

Zoom schedule video options

6. Leave the Audio Options set to Both.

Zoom schedule audio options

7. To allow the meeting to auto start as participants join, check the Allow participants to join anytime option.

Zoom advanced options

Note: If you’d like the meeting to only begin once you have manually started the meeting from the Zoom program (or app on your phone) leave this box unchecked.

8. In the Calendar section, make sure the Outlook option is selected to use Outlook to send and schedule the calendar invite.

9. Once you have the meeting all set up, click Schedule.

Zoom schedule calendar

10. A meeting appointment will open in Outlook. Type the participants email addresses in the To field so they will have the dial-in information for the conference.

11. Once you have entered all the participants email addresses, you may edit the body of the appointment if necessary, then select Send.


Please contact the Campus Service Center at 402-375-7107 or visit us in the library for further assistance.

Last Updated: 2/16/2023