Wayne State College

Art and Design Survival Guide

Cooperative Education Internships

Internship Program

The internship program combines work experience with classroom learning. Experience and career knowledge can be obtained in positions relevant to a student’s major that may be either paid or un-paid. To help facilitate a mutually beneficial work experience for the employer and student, each internship experience is approved and monitored by the internship coordinator in the Career Services Office at Wayne State College. College credit may be available for qualifying work experiences. 


  1. Must have completed 24 credit hours. Transfer students must have established a WSC G.P.A. to be eligible (unless otherwise approved).
  2. Have a minimum 2.0 GPA, and maintain the minimum 2.0 GPA throughout their tenure with the internship program. Eligibility requirements may vary by department. In special cases where circumstances warrant waiving a requirement, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Director of Career Services may work out an agreement for the student.

Program Details:

  1. A student may apply for 1-12 credit hours or for transcript notation. The approval of and the amount of credit given for each experience is determined by the advisor and the chair of each department. Students can earn a maximum of 12 credit hours throughout his/her college career.
  2. Credit hours will be billed through the business office just as any other class. Note: There is no charge for completing a transcript notation internship experience.
  3. Credit can either be straight elective credit or may be substituted for an elective within the major or minor, however this will be determined by your department.
  4. The level of credit will be determined by the department and listed as either a 297, 397, or 497 course number.
  5. A minimum of 50 work hours per credit hour (for transcript notation, a minimum of 50 work hours) must be worked during each internship work experience. Students may work more hours than required; however, no extra credits are given.
  6. A Satisfactory (S) grade will be awarded for 297 and 397 experiences for students who successfully complete their Internship requirements. In Progress (IP) is be issued if required paperwork has not been completed and/or additional requirements have not been met. No Credit (NC) is given if the student fails to fulfill the requirements of the program. Or, a letter grade will be awarded for 497 experiences. 

How To Get Started and Register: 

  1. Stop by Career Services in the Student Center Room 101 to submit your resume for review or pickup information on how to create a professional resume. (Please allow 48 hours for your resume to be reviewed.)
  2. Set up an appointment with Career Services to finalize your resume and discuss opportunities.
  3. Continue meeting with Career Services to discuss job opportunities. The student will be involved in researching possible companies of interest and will be responsible for applying for positions as well as following up with the companies after his/her resume has been received.
  4. To register and enroll for internship credit(s), students will be required to complete an online application on Cat Tracks. It will go through an approval process, and you will be notified by email upon approval by the internship coordinator in Career Services.