Wayne State College

Disability Services

Rights and Responsibilities

At Wayne State College, the accommodation process involves collaboration between the student, the Disability Services Office, and faculty and staff. Each party has specific rights and responsibilities to uphold. 

Student rights:

  • Receive necessary, reasonable accommodations and support services to allow equal access to Wayne State.
  • Participate in, and benefit from, courses, programs, services and activities offered through WSC.
  • To be treated by faculty and staff with dignity and respect.
  • Have discussions of their disability kept in confidence until permission of disclosure is given.
  • Report a grievance to Disability Services if they feel that their disability related needs are not being met.

Student responsibilities:

  • Identify themselves as an individual with a disability when seeking an accommodation.
  • Provide current documentation from an appropriate professional source that verifies the nature of the disability, functional limitations, and the need for specific accommodations.
  • Request accommodations each semester.
  • Notify Disability Services of any schedule changes after initial registration if they affect accommodations.
  • Meet Wayne State’s qualifications including academic and institutional standards.
  • Follow Wayne State’s Academic and Conduct Standards.

Wayne State College rights:

  • Establish essential functions, abilities, skills, knowledge and standards for courses, programs, services, jobs and activities or facilities and to evaluate students on this basis.
  • Determine the appropriate standards in developing, constructing, remodeling and maintaining facilities.
  • Request and receive current, relevant documentation that supports requests for accommodations.
  • Discuss students’ accommodations with faculty and/or staff in order to implement approved requests.
  • Select among equally effective accommodations.
  • Deny a request for accommodations if the documentation does not demonstrate that the request is reasonable and appropriate, if the individual fails to provide appropriate documentation, or if the accommodation imposes a fundamental alteration on a program or activity of the college.

Disability Services responsibilities:

  • Provide information to faculty, staff, students and guests with disabilities in accessible formats upon request.
  • Ensure that courses, programs, services, jobs, activities and facilities are accessible.
  • Provide or arrange reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities in courses, programs, services, jobs, activities and facilities.
  • Maintain appropriate confidentiality of records and communication except where permitted or required by law. 

Faculty and staff responsibilities:

  • Provide and/or permit the use of approved accommodations to students when notified by Disability Services.
  • Ensure that accommodations do not compromise academic standards or fundamentally alter the nature of the course.
  • Refer students with a disability to Disability Services.
  • Include WSC’s Disability Services syllabus statement.
  • Provide exams and proctoring instructions to Disability Services prior to the scheduled exam.
  • Contact Amber Willoughby, Coordinator of Disability Services, at 402-375-7451 or [email protected] with questions, concerns, or clarification, if needed.