The Animation and Motion Graphics minor at Wayne State College combines artistry with the world of digital film. Animation is the art of making still objects appear to move, while motion graphics combines graphic design with motion. A good eye for design and a strong, creative talent is essential for careers in this field. At Wayne State, you’ll work in 2D and 3D animation, stop motion, visual effects, and other video editing. Careers in media and movie-making are possible with the skills learned in this program. As an animator or motion graphics creator, you’ll prepare content for videos, cartoons, advertisements and promotional content, social media, and mobile apps. Adding an Animation and Motion Graphics minor can open a world of opportunities for your future career in media.
Note: The Animation and Motion Graphics minor is under two academic departments - the Art and Design Department and the Communication Arts Department.
2023-24 Academic Year
Required courses: 20 hours
A minor must include a minimum of 12 hours unduplicated by your major(s) and minor(s).
- ART 204 Digital Imaging (2)
- ART 230 Graphic Design I (3)
- CNA 450 Media Design Applications (3)
- CNA 479 Animation and Motion Graphics Applications (3)
Electives selected from the following (9 credit hours):
- ART 110 Drawing I (3)
- ART 111 Drawing II (3)
- ART 335 Advanced Typography and Animation (3)
- CNA (S) 220/320/420 Mass Communication Arts Workshop (Sports) (0-3)
- CNA 274 Video and Film Production I (3)
- CNA 472 Sound Design (3)
- CNA 473 Video and Film Production II (3)