Wayne State College

Clinical Practice Information for All Stakeholders

Overview and Program Goals

Conceptual Framework for the School of Education and Behavioral Sciences

In the School of Education and Behavioral Sciences, we believe in a just and equitable democratic society that values all human life.

Our Six Commitments

Educator preparation at Wayne State College makes six commitments to our candidates, PK-12 students and their families, schools, and communities. Through our Six Commitments, graduates from Wayne State College’s educator preparation program are professionals who demonstrate the necessary knowledge, strategies, and attitudes required for promoting student achievement and making positive impacts on students’ lives and in school communities.    

  1. High-Impact Instructional Support for Students
  2. Inclusive and Responsive Pedagogies
  3. Content Mastery
  4. Professionalism
  5. Data and Assessment Literacy
  6. Student-Centered Learning Environments

Our Program Goals for Candidates Seeking Initial Teaching Credentials

Based on the foregoing beliefs and congruent practices, the following outcomes can be expected and assessed. The achievement of each outcome will require that teacher candidates develop knowledge, skills and dispositions.

We believe knowledge, skills, and dispositions to be critical to the success of teacher candidates, and we believe they are inseparably integrated. Candidates need the dispositions to effectively acquire the knowledge that is subsequently used skillfully to facilitate learning and development in all students. Therefore, all three are integrated in the following outcome statements, which are based on the standards developed by the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC).

WSC teaching candidates inquire and reflect to create caring learning communities and facilitate learning for all students by meeting professional standards and valuing the following Standards (1-10 are InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards and 11 is common among Teacher Preparation across Nebraska):

Standard 1: Student Development - Educator Growth Portfolio (EGP) #1

Standard 1.1: The teacher candidate understands how students grow and develop.

Standard 1.2: The teacher candidate recognizes that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas.

Standard 1.3: The teacher candidate implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

Standard 2: Learning Differences - Educator Growth Portfolio (EGP) #2

Standard 2.1: The teacher candidate understands individual differences and diverse cultures and communities.

Standard 2.2: The teacher candidate ensures inclusive learning environments that enable each student to meet high standards.

Standard 3: Learning Environments - Educator Growth Portfolio (EGP) #3

Standard 3.1: The teacher candidate works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning.

Standard 3.2: The teacher candidate creates environments that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

Standard 3.3: The teacher candidate manages student behavior to promote a positive learning environment.

Standard 4: Content Knowledge - Educator Growth Portfolio (EGP) #4

Standard 4.1: The teacher candidate understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches.

Standard 4.2: The teacher candidate creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for students to assure mastery of the content.

Standard 4.3: The teacher candidate integrates Nebraska Content Standards and/or professional standards within instruction.

Standard 5: Application of Content - Educator Growth Portfolio (EGP) #5

Standard 5.1: The teacher candidate understands how to connect concepts across disciplines.

Standard 5.2: The teacher candidate uses differing perspectives to engage students in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.

Standard 6: Assessment - Educator Growth Portfolio (EGP) #6

Standard 6.1: The teacher candidate understands multiple methods of assessment.

Standard 6.2: The teacher candidate uses multiple methods of assessment to engage students in their own growth, to monitor student progress, and to guide the teacher candidate’s and student’s decision making.

Standard 7: Planning for Instruction - Educator Growth Portfolio (EGP) #7

Standard 7.1: The teacher candidate plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals.

Standard 7.2: The teacher candidate draws upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, technology, and pedagogy.

Standard 7.3: The teacher candidate draws upon knowledge of students and the community context.

Standard 8: Instructional Strategies - Educator Growth Portfolio (EGP) #8

Standard 8.1: The teacher candidate understands a variety of instructional strategies.

Standard 8.2: The teacher candidate uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connection and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.

Standard 8.3: The teacher candidate utilizes available technology for instruction and assessment.

Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice - Educator Growth Portfolio (EGP) #9

Standard 9.1: The teacher candidate engages in ongoing professional learning.

Standard 9.2: The teacher candidate models ethical professional practice.

Standard 9.3: The teacher candidate uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (students, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each student.

Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration - Educator Growth Portfolio (EGP) #10

Standard 10.1: The teacher candidate seeks opportunities to take responsibility for student learning.

Standard 10.2: The teacher candidate seeks opportunities, including appropriate technology, to collaborate with students, families, colleagues, and other school professionals, and community members to ensure student growth.

Standard 11: Impact on Student Learning and Development - Educator Growth Portfolio (EGP) #11

Standard 11.1: The teacher candidate works to positively impact the learning and development for all students.