Wayne State College

Clinical Practice Information for Students

Before You Start

Congratulations to all teacher candidates for reaching this milestone in your educational journey. You have reached the final step in becoming an educator and it is our hope at WSC that this semester is a rewarding experience.

Your professionalism and overall attitude this semester is crucial for your success and in launching your teaching career. Each day is a new opportunity for you to put your best foot forward, demonstrate excellence, and teach with passion. At this point, you should be ready to display dispositions that represent the teaching profession well, utilize your rich content knowledge, and use best teaching practices to ensure that the children you are teaching receive the best possible education. As you read through this section, please note any questions or concerns that you may have and reach out to the Academic Coordinator for Clinical Practices as needed.

Fundamentally, the teacher candidate has a dual role that takes place every day s/he enters the school environment.

  1. Professional: First, the teacher candidate is to be a professional and a representative of WSC. Thus, following all school and district guidelines is fully expected and demonstrating professional demeanor is essential.
  2. Learner: Second, the teacher candidate should fully see themselves as a learner and open for feedback from all. This often will be from the cooperating teacher(s) and college supervisor(s) but can also come from the school administrator(s), parents, and of course, students. Be open for ways to improve in all areas and know that the clinical practice experience is both a finish line at the end of your college experience and a starting point in your teaching career. Every day should be seen as a chance to show your expertise while being open to changing practices as needed.

This is a difficult balancing act and one that takes both humility and confidence.

Orientation and Seminars

Wayne State College’s Education Preparation program believes that the final semester for a student is a critical capstone to the learning that has taken places previously. This means that the faculty and staff within the School of Education and Behavioral Sciences at WSC are dedicated to helping all teacher candidates be successful in this final endeavor. The planned orientation and seminars are designed to benefit the teacher candidate and his/her journey. They are required to attend as part of the course expectations. If the teacher candidate is unable to attend any particular seminar, they are to contact the Academic Coordinator for Clinical Experiences beforehand to discuss the reason.  Orientation is always scheduled in April or November the semester before you start your clinical practice.

In addition, clinical practice is an experience that works within the timeframes of two separate entities: the local school district and Wayne State College. Neither of these entities will necessarily have the same start/stop dates and breaks so partnerships must pay attention to both calendars when creating a timeline for assuming responsibilities.

Thus, it is the responsibility of the teacher candidate to plan their lives accordingly to be able to attend all school days within the school district where they are completing their clinical practice. In addition, they need to plan accordingly to attend the required WSC Clinical Practice Seminar events. Avoid planning any vacations or other major events during clinical practice. You will likely begin your clinical practice experience at least a week before WSC resumes classes for the semester.

In regards, to the required seminars, the dates, times, and locations will be announced via email, posted in Canvas and listed in the course syllabus.

Here are the topics for the seminars:
Seminar I: Clinical Practice Orientation
Seminar II: Successfully Starting your Journey
Seminar III: Reflecting on the Journey So Far
Seminar IV: Finishing your Journey

Background Check

Rule 20: Information Regarding Convictions
Rules of the Nebraska State Board of Education prohibit the assignment of any in-school field experience or the issuance of any certificate or permit to an individual who has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor under the laws of any state or the federal government. A felony conviction means any felony offense under the laws of any jurisdiction, including misdemeanor convictions involving abuse, neglect, or sexual misconduct (refer to Nebraska Department of Education Rule 20 section 004.06D2 for a complete listing). The Rules do provide for a hearing appeal process to the State Board of Education, where, if it is determined the applicant possesses the moral fitness to teach, the Board may direct the assignment to in-school field experiences/Clinical Practice or the issuance of the certificate.

RULE 20: 004.06B - The institution shall inform all persons who apply for admission to its program that persons who have felony convictions, or misdemeanor convictions involving abuse, neglect, or sexual misconduct, as defined in Section 004.06D of this chapter, are automatically rejected by the Department for certification, and may only be considered for certification, or participation in field experiences, with the approval of the Department.

Rule 21: Evidence of Emotional or Mental Capacity
RULE 21: 003.10 - All applicants must not have an emotional or mental incapacity to practice the profession as evidenced by a legal adjudication or determination thereof by other lawful means. Such evidence shall be that he or she does not have an order or determination currently in effect by a court or any other governmental body which finds the student to be any of the following: a mentally ill and dangerous person, mentally incompetent to stand trial, acquitted of criminal charges because of insanity, an incapacitated person in need of a guardian, or unable to manage his/her property due to mental illness, mental deficiency, chronic use of drugs or chronic intoxication; or is currently an inpatient or resident in a mental health facility due to a determination by a qualified mental health professional.

Please note: In compliance with Nebraska Department of Education Rule, WSC requires a background check prior to entry into teacher candidacy, and a second background check immediately prior to the semester of clinical practice. Results of the background check can be made available to the school district only by permission of the teacher candidate.

Students will be notified by the Field Experience Office via email when it is time to complete the background check. Directions will be sent within the e-mail.  It is important that candidates do not complete the background check until notified.

Review Phases on the Teacher Candidate Timeline, Stages, and Phases page.