Every effort is made to ensure this information is current, but please be aware that some content may have changed. There is no substitute for developing a careful course registration plan in consultation with your advisor. The class sequence listed is suggested only. The final decision rests with the student and academic advisor.
2023-24 Academic Year
This is the set of classes required for a special education (K-6) subject endorsement. In addition to choosing the special education (K-6) subject endorsement, you will also need to choose a second subject endorsement or field endorsement to receive your B.A. or B.S.
Required Courses
EDU 423 Development of Social Studies in the Elementary and Middle School (3)
EDU 431 Development of Science in the Elementary and Middle School (3)
EDU 432 Development of Mathematics in the Elementary and Middle School (3)
SPD 160 Introduction to Special Education (3)
SPD 252 Instructional Methods for Special Education K-6 (3)
SPD 255 Functional Curriculum and Instructional Methods (3)
SPD 302 Inclusion and Co-teaching in General Education (3)
SPD 332 Special Education Law (3)
SPD 352 Assessment, Evaluation, and the IEP K-12 (3)
SPD 435 Classroom Management through Social-Emotional Learning K-6 (3)
SPD 452 Consultation and Collaboration (3)
SPD 461 Practicum in Special Education (3)
Professional Education Courses Sequence (24 hours)
EDU 150 Introduction to Professional Education (3)
EDU 245 Preparing for Level 2: Teacher Candidacy (take with EDU 250 or first semester at WSC) 0
EDU 250 Human Development and Cognition (3)
EDU 275 PK-12 Instructional Design (3)
EDU 340 Early Reading (3)
EDU 430 Literacy Assessment (3)
EDU 445 Preparing for Level 3: Clincal Practice (semester before clinical practice) (0)
SPD 458 Clinical Practice and Seminar for Special Education K-6 (6)
Approved elective in SPD Professional Education Core (3)