Wayne State College

Lidice Aleman

Since 2005, Dr. Lídice Alemán has taught all levels of Spanish. Her experience includes teaching courses of Spanish from introductory to academic writing and literary analysis, as well as courses on Hispanic cultures, Latin American Cinema, and Hispanic Caribbean and Latin American Literatures. 

Based on the belief that an education must provide students with the tools they need to develop critical thinking skills that will support them throughout their careers, Dr. Aleman's main objective in the classroom is to encourage students to be actively involved in the process of learning, as well as to facilitate the acquisition of the Spanish language for students, and with it, a wider knowledge of cultures that are connected to it. Her passion for being an educator was due in part to professors who inspired her to pursue her dreams, and she would like to pass that on to her students.

Currently, her main research interest is aimed at encouraging race, gender, and sexuality studies. As part of her critical engagement with the broader field of contemporary Latin American studies, she considers that her research work is interdisciplinary and is developed in close dialogue with feminist theories of identity categories and power relations.

Ph.D., Hispanic Language and Literatures, Washington University (St. Louis), 2013
Graduate Certificate in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Washington University (St. Louis), 2013
M.A., Hispanic Language and Literatures, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2007
B.S., Computer Engineering, Kiev International University (Kiev, Ukraine), 1987

Curriculum Vitae
Download Lidice Aleman's curriculum vitae (PDF)


Book of Literary Criticism 

  • Construcción racial y de género en la poesía de la Revolución Cubana, 1959-1989: Georgina Herrera, Excilia Saldaña y Soleida Ríos. Universidad de Antioquia, 2017.

Books of Poetry

  • Indecisiones del arquero.  El Abra, 2004. 
  • Entrar descalza. Ávila, 2002. 

Articles (peer-reviewed publications)

  • “Identidad racial en Cuba: Estereotipos decimonónicos y (des)igualdades en «Los dioses rotos».” [Racial Identity in Cuba: Nineteenth-century Stereotypes and (In)equalities in «The Broken Gods».”], Afro-Hispanic Review, vol. 36, no. 2, Fall 2017. pp. 37-49. 
  • “Caridad Atencio: desencanto social y transgresión en su discurso poético de los noventa.” Aula lírica: Revista sobre poesía ibérica e iberoamericana, no. 9, 2017, pp. 2-15, aulalirica.org.
  • “Prólogo.” Serpientes y escaleras. José Carreño Medina. Verbum, 2015.
  • “¿No es la misma de siempre esta mujer? Género, raza y la poesía cubana de los ochenta en la obra poética de Soleida Ríos.” Literatura: teoría, historia, crítica, vol. 17, no 1, 2015, pp. 263-295.
  • “Género, raza y la poesía cubana de los ochenta en Entre mundo y juguete de Soleida Ríos.” Afro-Hispanic Review, vol. 33, no. 2, 2014, pp. 9-21.
  • "Género y sexualidad en «La mujer sin cabeza» de Lucrecia Martel.”  Cine y…Revista de estudios interdisciplinarios sobre cine en español, vol. IV, no. 2, 2014, pp. 37-7. 

Literary journal

  • Tiresias: Culture, Politics, and Critical Theory V (2012)
  • Rio Grande Review 34 (Fall 2009).
  • Baquiana 33-34 (2005).
  • Del Caribe 41 (2004).

Anthologies that have included her fiction work

  • Antología de la poesía cubana del exilio. Valencia: Aduana Vieja, 2011.
  • Al filo del gozo. Guadalajara, México: Viento al hombro, 2008.
  • Diccionario de Escritores Santiagueros. Cuba: Santiago, 2005.
  • Di-versé-city. Texas, Austin: Morgan Printing, 2004.
  • Memorias del Congreso Mundial de Poesía. 2da Ed.  Santiago de Cuba: Catedral, 2004.
  • La sombra en la espiga canta. Panorama de la Décima Avileña. Cuba: Ávila, 2004.
  • Memorias del Congreso Mundial de Poesía de Santiago de Cuba. Santiago de Cuba: Catedral, 2003.
  • Arribos de la luz. Cuba: Ávila, 2000.