Basic Information
Date and Time
The science fair is Friday, March 22, 2024, starting at 7:45 a.m.
The competition takes place in Rice Auditorium on the northwest corner of the campus. You may unload/load of the south side of the auditorium, but general parking will be in Lots 1, 1.1, or 1.2.
- Some student activities will also take place in Carhart Science.
- The auditorium itself should not be considered secure. Valuables should either be left home or kept on one’s person.
General Forms and Rules
New forms and links can be found on the Nebraska Junior of Academy of Sciences page.
Registration on Arrival
Registration is from 7:45 to 8:45 a.m. at the Rice Auditorium on campus. The following is needed:
- Forms: There are multiple forms that need to be filled out and turned in at registration. See NJAS site for these documents.
- Research papers: Students should bring two copies of their research paper to the competition: one for themselves and one for the judges and to be kept on file at WSC.
- Fees: Fees are due. See below.
- Setup: Each junior entry will have half of a table available (a skinny half). The senior entries will likely have a full table. Setup should be completed before 8:45 a.m.
The fees are due at registration.
- Entry fee: The entry fee is $6.50 per student (not per project). If paid for by check, the check should be made out to
. - Lunch fee: Important change! If desired students may eat lunch at the student cafeteria. Lunch is $9.60 per person. If paid for by check, please make it out to the same account
. If desired, it can be the same check and we will appropriately separate things later.