Wayne State College

Science Fair


Welcome to the 2024 volunteer registration page.

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Judging Manual

Thank you for judging for us this year!

The Northeast Region has consistently produced a high number of quality science fair projects that have enriched the academic life of the students doing them. Your contribution as a judge will further that academic enrichment and as such your role is very important. Please consider the following guidelines to help this years participating students have a great experience at the regional!

Thank you again,

Adam Davis
NJAS Northeast Regional Director.

Roles of the Judge

Evaluator: The main role of the judge is to evaluate projects and assign them a score. It is important that the evaluation provide constructive feedback. It is not useful to assign perfect scores to everything. One of the roles of the judge is to help determine which projects should go on to the state competition.

Motivator: The students should come away from the science fair encouraged by their participation with the science fair. The should feel that their project was assessed fairly and that they got valuable feedback on what they did well and on how to improve. The judge isn’t there to criticize but to encourage.

If you have any questions, Dr. Stromer will be available via text or email.