Get Your Business Involved
There are many ways your organization can get involved and meet the students.
Employer information sessions
Hosting an information session can be highly effective in your overall presence-building and relationship-building strategy. Information sessions allow you to share information about your organization and the positions that you currently have available.
Industry site visits
Hosting an industry site visit is an effective way for students to get a sneak peek into the culture and work environment at your facility. Site visits are an excellent forum to showcase your company’s products/services and culture. We partner with interested companies to coordinate tours for student groups. The format is open and flexible to meet each employer’s needs.
Employer panels, workshops, roundtables, and seminars
We provide employers the opportunity to present to our students on a variety of career-related topics. Our Employer Expectations Panel and Freshman Fundamentals Employer Panel allow students to gain insight on various career fields tied to co-op. Employers educate students about careers in their field of study and what they offer students in a co-op position. Roundtables provide a discipline-specific format in a smaller group setting, so employers get to know students through discussions that are student- and employer-led.
Mock interviews and on-campus recruiting
Mock interviews are an excellent opportunity to practice interviewing and allow you to have an early look at co-op candidates. Interviews are 30 minutes each, including time for constructive feedback to help the student improve. This is a win-win as our students will feel more prepared for their job search, and you’ll have the opportunity to promote your organization and build an early pipeline of potential qualified candidates. We also provide on-campus recruiting through interviews during a student’s junior year, leading to a Match Day between co-op students and employers.