Every effort is made to ensure this information is current, but please be aware that some content may have changed. There is no substitute for developing a careful course registration plan in consultation with your advisor. The class sequence listed is suggested only. The final decision rests with the student and academic advisor.
2023-24 Academic Year
ENG 102 Composition Skills (General Studies CAT 1) (3)
ITE 111 Introduction to Safety (3)
ITE 114 Introduction to Applied Engineering (3)
ITE 205 Introduction to Manufacturing Technology (3)
ITE 219 Mechanical Engineering Drafting and Design (3)
MAT 118 College Math for ITE (3)
PHS 102 Physical Science Today (General Studies CAT 7) (3)
General Studies
Electives, minor, or second major
BUS 208 Business Communications (3)
CIS 171 Networking I (3)
ITE 202 Construction Systems (3)
ITE 220 Introduction to Manufacturing Operations (3)
ITE 309 Parametric Modeling and Industrial Design (3)
MAT 110 Contemporary Applications of Math (General Studies CAT 3) (3)
General Studies
Electives, minor, or second major
CIS 366 Introduction to Database (3)
ITE 306 Industrial Safety (3)
ITE 322 Fundamentals of CNC Machining (3)
ITE 330 Welding Theory and Fabrication (3)
ITE 403 Electronics and Control Systems (3)
General Studies
Electives, minor, or second major
ITE 497 Internship (3)
BUS 471 Principles of Supervision (3)
CIS 477 Project Management (3)
ITE 421 Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Robotics (3)
ITE 422 Advanced CIM and Robotics (3)
General Studies
Electives, minor, or second major