Wayne State College

Honors Program

About the Honors Program

The Wayne State Honors Program identifies the most motivated and talented students and offers them a challenging and highly rewarding curriculum. The intent of the curriculum is to provide students an in-depth learning environment in which discussion, exploration, and experimentation is encouraged. The program is designed to nurture talent by providing opportunities to go further into an academic discipline, to broaden and deepen an education beyond the usual required work, and to nurture and reward genuine intellectual curiosity. Research opportunities will help students develop the skills of independent thinking and scholarly inquiry.

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Apply for the Honors Program

The program engages students through a combination of specialized general education courses (usually taken during the freshman and sophomore years) and research projects completed in the academic major (usually completed in the junior and senior years). The program is structured so that students are not generally required to take additional credit hours beyond those required for graduation. Honors work can also be very practical. Prospective employers and graduate admissions committees often look carefully at an undergraduate record for evidence of extra initiative and genuine intellectual strength.

The Honors Program at Wayne State College seeks to achieve the following goals:

  • To recognize high-achieving students and provide them with a respectful discussion-driven curriculum.
  • To develop a closer working relationship between the faculty from all departments and the students.
  • To implement an Honors curriculum that reaches across all disciplines, thus providing the students a perspective outside their major area of study.
  • To provide faculty with opportunities to explore their passion while engaging high-achieving students.

At Wayne State College, belonging to the Honors Program means not only distinction, but special opportunities and challenges for students with high aspirations. In any academic program at WSC, honors students have the option of choosing one of three honors options: High Honors in the Major, Honors in the Major, and Scholar in the Major.

Additional Benefits

In addition to the Honors curriculum and distinctions on the transcript, Honors at WSC carries additional benefits:

Honors Club
Honors Club is a student organization led by Honors students. The Club provides an opportunity to meet socially with other Honors students and learn about unique opportunities for Honors students.

Early Registration
Honors Students can register for their classes before other students because of their active Honors status.

Commencement Recognition
Students who meet the full requirements of their designated Honors Program will receive recognition at Commencement.

National Collegiate Honors Council
Students have access to honors scholarships and exclusive events through NCHC and its members.

Honors Living-Learning Community
Incoming Honors first-year students have the opportunity to live in the Honors Living-Learning Community in Morey Hall.