Admission to WSC does not constitute admission to the human services program. A student will be accepted into the program following completion of requirements for program admission:
- File a formal application, completed in HUS 202 Introduction to Human Services. The application must include the names of two people who would be knowledgeable of personal qualities conducive to success within the human services profession. Students who transfer credit which includes this course will need to make application during the semester of transfer.
- Earn at least a “C” grade in CNA 100 Principles of Human Communication and continue to demonstrate the ability to communicate orally in an effective way.
- Earn at least a “C” grade in ENG 102 Composition Skills and continue to demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in writing. Human Services faculty expect students to seek writing/academic assistance as needed.
- Earn at least a “C” in all courses associated with the major. (HUS 342 Interviewing Skills and HUS 497 Internship require a minimum of a "B-")
- PSY 101 General Psychology is strongly recommended in CAT 5 to take upper lvel PSY courses. SOC 220 Social Problems is highly recommended for CAT 8.
- Achieve and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA in the major.
- Demonstrate professional dispositions consistent with the human services professional and ethical standards outlined by the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS).
- Sign a notarized Student Affirmation showing no felony convictions, nor misdemeanor convictions involving abuse, neglect, or injury to any person, nor any other convictions involving moral turpitude. If there are convictions, submit court records with an explanation of actions taken to prevent additional convictions. ANY further convictions must be brought to the attention of the Field Experience Office immediately after conviction.
- Should a student demonstrate concerns for practice in the human services field (e.g., a lack of professional dispositions or skills, minimal academic performance, eithical violations, or criminal behavior), the student's concern will be addressed by the Counselor Assessment Remediation Education (CARE) Committee. A student may request a hearing before the CARE Committee at any time in relation to their program status.
Students granted or rejected admission will be notified by written communication. Students denied admission will also be notified by letter. An appeal may be made to the Dean of Education and Behavioral Sciences.
Retention in the human services program is contingent upon maintaining the above requirements. An appeal may be made to the Dean of Education and Behavioral Sciences.
Admission to the Professional Seminar
The professional seminar is designed to prepare the student for placement in the human services internship. To be admitted to the seminar, a student must meet the following requirements:
- Officially admitted into the human services program.
- Earn a minimum of 90 hours of credit including 36 hours in the major to be granted special faculty permission.
- Receive at least a “B-“in the HUS 342 Interviewing Skills and continue to demonstrate the ability to relate empathetically and therapeutically.
Admission to the Human Services Internship
The internship in human services is designed to integrate the knowledge of theory and techniques with human services practice. To be admitted to the internship, a student must meet the following requirements:
- Retention in the human services program.
- Complete CSL 490 with a grade of at least a “C.”
- Submission of a completed internship agreement at least one month prior to the start of the internship.
- Approval of the instructor.
Requirements for Graduation
- Retention in the human services program.
- Completion of all program requirements.
- Earned “B-“or higher in HUS 497 Human Services Internship.