What is SAB?
SAB stands for Student Activities Board, which is a student organization responsible for scheduling events for the entire campus, including everything from Bingo night to hypnotists to the bi-annual spring concert.
How do I join?
SAB is open to all students, so by enrolling at WSC, you are technically a member. The next steps would be to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram (@WSCSAB) and to attend our weekly meetings. Aside from special circumstances, meetings are every Monday at 5 p.m. in the Multicultral Center lounge (Student Center 11).
Where can I find a schedule of SAB events?
There are multiple places to find an event schedule. The most convenient is the website, which has a complete listing of all events in a semester. We post reminders on Facebook and Twitter of upcoming events. There are flyers and posters throughout campus, and we try to send out a monthly calendar of events. You can always swing by Student Activities to see what is happening.
What if I have an idea for an event?
The best way to make your voice heard would be to come to a meeting and openly state your suggestion. You can also drop off your idea in the suggestion box in the SAB office. Or, you can always contact us on Facebook, Twitter or by email at [email protected]..
More questions?
Feel free to contact us at [email protected], or 402-375-7013 to speak to our Advisor.