Wayne State College

Jeff Shelton

Dr. Jeff Shelton is an assistant professor of sociology at Wayne State College. He holds a Nebraska Postsecondary Teaching Permit with a sociology endorsement, allowing him to teach dual credit sociology classes for grades 7-12. In addition to holding positions on faculty committees, including the Institutional Review Board and Faculty Senate, Shelton is the faculty adviser for the WSC PRIDE group and the Psychology and Sociology Club.

Shelton is a member of the American Sociological Association, Midwest Sociological Society, British Sociological Association, and the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

Shelton's teaching and research interest are in medical sociology, research methods, the study of work and professions, and social policy. His most recent project uses a mixed methods approach to explore and examine crucial factors influencing nurse practitioners' job satisfaction and professional identity development. In classes and independent study projects, Shelton works with students on their research and writing interests, including preparing them to present their work at state or regional conferences.


Ph.D. Sociology, University of Georgia, 2020 

M.S. Sociology, Portland State University, 2013

B.S. Sociology, Portland State University, Magna Cum Laude, 2011