Participant Qualifications
Student Participant Profile
Every student participating in NENTA is selected based on the following:
- The student meets ALL criteria for the State of Nebraska Local Substitute Teacher Certificate.
- The student meets all criteria for Level 2 passage into the Wayne State College Professional Progress Benchmarks, which include:
- Successful field experience from Human Development and Cognition (EDU 250)
- Positive recommendations from faculty and all field experience cooperating teachers
- Successful completion of requirements for the Nebraska Local Substitute Teacher Certificate
- Maintainance of a 3.2 GPA in all coursework, including education and endorsement areas
- Completion of EDU Foundations coursework (EDU 150, 250, 275)
- Completion of coursework in math, science, social studies, and humanities
- NENTA substitute teachers hold a Nebraska Local Substitute Certificate.
- The student has distinguished him- or herself as an emerging professional in Teacher Education through:
- Outstanding class attendance and participation
- Commitment to professionalism
- Assuming and seeking responsibility
- Completing assignments in a competent and timely manner
- Complying with all other requirements for a Nebraska Local Substitute Teaching Certificate
- NENTA subs receive one full day of training by the NENTA facilitator.
- NENTA subs attend biweekly seminars for continuing education and enrichment.
- NENTA subs complete reflection forms for each substitute experience and are provided with feedback from teachers, administrators, and the NENTA facilitator.