Wayne State College

Wayne State Foundation Scholarships

Annual Scholarships

Annual scholarships are awarded each year to students in the full amount that is received from the donor. A minimum of $1,000 is required for an annual scholarships. They are active only for the time period the donor wishes to fund the scholarship.  A contract between the Foundation and donor is developed for a new named scholarship to outline how the scholarship will be awarded. More than 200 types of individual scholarships are available from the WSC Foundation for students who meet the scholarship criteria.

Last updated 10/21/2020

Aventure Staffing Annual Scholarship
Dan Barcus Business Administration Annual Scholarship
Jason Barelman Annual Scholarship
Dr. Randy Bertolas Geography Scholarship
Melinda (Joern) Boles and Bruce Boles Annual Scholarship
Bomgaars Annual Scholarship
O.R. Bowen Annual Scholarship
Business Faculty Annual Scholarship
Butler Philosophy Scholarship
Alexis Victoria Calfee and Christopher Ryan Oberg Annual Scholarship
Carhart Lumber Company Annual Scholarship
CFO Systems Annual Accounting Scholarship
Criminal Justice Alumni Annual Scholarship
CTIS Annual Scholarship
CTIS Retired Faculty Annual Scholarship
EducationQuest Foundation Scholarship
Roland and Beverly Eickhoff Annual Scholarship
Bob and Debbie Ensz Athletic Annual Scholarship
F&M Bank Wayne Annual Scholarship
Family and Consumer Sciences Faculty Annual Scholarship
Foreign Language Program Fund
Dr. Laura Franklin Annual Scholarship
Curt and Dianne Frye Annual Athletic Scholarship
Gallisath Student Success Scholarship
Gardner Foundation Academic Scholarship
Gardner Foundation Athletic Scholarship
General Annual Scholarship Fund
Gesell Family Scholarship
Golden Apple Award
Lea Greathouse Annual Scholarship
Hass Foundation Annual Scholarship
Haven Fund
Heritage Homes/Heritage Industries Annual Scholarship
Kirk and Debra Hutton Annual Scholarship
ITE Faculty Skills USA Scholarship
Dick and Becky Keidel Wildcat Annual Scholarship
Kietzmann and Hammer Scholarship in Field Biology
Kreg Tool Company Annual Scholarship
Robert M. and Helen A. Lehr Pre-Nursing Memorial Scholarship
LaVera Marie Cram McCallum Elementary Education Annual Scholarship
Lord and Lady Menking Annual Scholarship
Michael Foods Scholarship
Jenny Moul Memorial Scholarship
Nebraska Society of CPA’s Annual Scholarship
Ken and Anne Nolte Annual Athletic Scholarship
Norfolk Area Human Resource Association Annual Scholarship
Northeast Nebraska Public Power District Annual Scholarship
Pac N Save Scholarship
Pac N Save Student Appreciation Annual Scholarship
Pacific Coast Feather Company Annual Scholarship
PEO Chapter AZ Wayne Biennial Scholarship
Physical Science Annual Scholarship
Kelly Plugge Memorial Scholarship
Quality Food Center/IGA Annual Scholarship
Marysz and Steven Rames Annual Scholarship
Reaching Your Potential Annual Scholarship
Bill and Betty Reeg Annual Scholarship
Kam Reeves Military Annual Scholarship
Kam Reeves Vocal Music Annual Scholarship
Dale L. Riehart Annual Broadcasting Scholarship
Don and Tamara Rinehart Annual Track & Field/Cross Country Scholarship
Lukas Rix and Mark Kanitz Annual Scholarship
Regina Roth Scholarship
Tom and Cindy Schmitz Broadcasting Annual Scholarship
JB Mart Second Guessers Annual Football Scholarship
Dr. LeRoy and Marian Simpson Annual Physical Education Scholarship
LeRoy and Marian Simpson Annual Track Scholarship
Donald and Diane (Massman) Soukup Annual Scholarship
Joseph Sowokinos Annual RHOP Scholarship
Special Band Day Annual Scholarship
State Nebraska Bank & Trust Annual Scholarship
State Nebraska Bank & Trust Teaching Excellence Award
Suter Services Annual Scholarship
Swanson Football Scholarship
WAED Annual Scholarship
Joseph and Jamie Wall Annual Baseball Scholarship
Wayne Rotary Club Annual Scholarship
Weyhrich Faculty Mentorship Annual Scholarship
Wildcat Annual Scholarship
Wildcat Student Athlete Annual Scholarship
Wilson Family Scholarship
Wilson Family Student Teacher Scholarship
Wiser Family Trust Annual Scholarship
WSC Emergency Assistance Fund
WSC Wrestling Club Annual Scholarship
Reggie and Marilyn Yates Football Scholarship