Wayne State College
  • Title
    Adjunct Faculty - Undergraduate Level
  • Position Type
  • Type Information
    Wayne State College seeks applications on a continuous basis for a pool of qualified adjunct faculty. The number of positions varies each semester, depending upon the needs of the College. Hiring units will consult the adjunct pool when there is a need. Teaching assignments may include day, evening, off-campus, and online/hybrid/blended courses. Appointments may be renewable based on need, funding and performance.
  • Salary
    $1000 per credit hour
  • Required Qualifications
    Minimum HLC requirements for qualified faculty: either a Master's degree in the area of specialization, or a Master's degree outside the area of specialization with 18 graduate credit hours in the area of specialization.
  • Application Procedure

    To apply, please submit an adjunct application, CV, and transcripts to Human Resources. You can send the application materials by scan and email to [email protected], fax to 402-375-7413, or mail to 1111 Main Street, Wayne NE 68787. Note: You must download and save the employment application PDF before filling out the fields.

  • Employment Application