Wayne State College

Alcohol and Drugs

Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act

In compliance with the Department of Education's (34 CFR Part 86) requirements you are hereby notified of the expected standards of conduct regarding the unlawful use of drugs or alcohol on college property or in any college sponsored activity. In addition, this document will describe legal sanctions (local, state and Federal), health risks, available assistance and treatment avenues as well as college imposed disciplinary measures.

Standards of Conduct: The following are deemed to be misconduct and subject to disciplinary action.

  • Alcohol Use - The illegal possession or illegal consumption of alcoholic beverages on college owned or controlled property or at college sponsored or supervised events.
  • Drug Use - Possessing, distributing, using or selling illegal drugs or any other controlled substance or agent having the potential of abuse, except pursuant to a physician's or dentist's prescription, or possessing paraphernalia for drug use on college owned or controlled property or at college sponsored or supervised events

Disciplinary measures appropriate to the offense up to and including dismissal from the College may be imposed.

Students are subject to all applicable legal sanctions under local, state and Federal law regarding unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol. These sanctions may include incarceration and/or fines for those found guilty under these sanctions.

The health risks of using illegal drugs and the use of alcohol are difficult to predict due to the unknown chemicals involved in these substances. These health risks may be severe and lead to permanent impairment or even death. Even occasional use or experimentation can have significant negative consequences. The diminishing of intellectual ability, personality disintegration and long-term genetic damage are not uncommon occurrences among drug and alcohol abusers.

Assistance is available through the Counseling Center (located on the atrium level of the Student Center), the Student Health Center (located in the Student Center and/or at Providence Medical Center), or any of the area community agencies, or private treatment centers for students seeking help for problems associated with illegal drug and alcohol use.

The College will impose disciplinary sanctions on students for violation of the student conduct code relating to alcohol or drug use. Consult the current Student Handbook.

It should be emphasized that when a student's violation of the law also adversely affects the College's pursuit of its recognized educational objectives, the College may enforce its own regulations regardless of any civil proceeding or dispositions. When students violate a college regulation they are subject to disciplinary action by the College whether or not their conduct violated civil law. If a student's behavior simultaneously violated a college regulation and the civil law, the College may take disciplinary action independent of that taken by civil authorities. When students violate laws off campus, they may incur penalties described by civil authorities. College discipline will be initiated for instances of student misconduct off campus which distinctly and adversely affect the college's pursuit of its recognized educational purposes.