Wayne State College

WSC’s Braxton Dalton Appointed NSCS Student Trustee for 2024-25

Published Thursday, May 16th, 2024

Braxton Dalton will serve as Wayne State’s student trustee for the Nebraska State College System for 2024-25 academic year.

Braxton DaltonGovernor Jim Pillen has appointed Wayne State College student Braxton Dalton of Raymond as a student trustee for the Nebraska State College System for the 2024-25 academic year.

“I want to ensure that every student in the State of Nebraska has access to the opportunities at our state colleges that I have been fortunate enough to have,” stated Dalton on his application. “I firmly believe that students everywhere should receive similar opportunities to grow their career skills and make a positive difference in their own lives as well as the lives of others.”

Also appointed as student trustees were Alec Langan of Chadron State College and Cayla Schuster of Peru State College.

Dalton, a 2022 graduate of Malcolm High School, is a sophomore majoring in business administration with a marketing concentration. At Wayne State, he is active in Future Business Leaders of America, Delta Sigma Pi (professional business fraternity), the Wayne State Student Senate, the Growing Together Career Scholars Cooperative Education Program, and residence life.

He is the son of Chad and Kim Dalton of Raymond.