A student may complete the graduate degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling as a first step in applying for licensure to provide counseling. An additional step to earning a license is to pass a competency test that is approved by the state. Students will be required to take the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) to help prepare for the licensure exam and to demonstrate mastery of core competencies.
Typical Program of Study
(60 hours)
Counseling Core (MSE) (36 hours) (required courses for all areas of counseling)
CSL 541 Dual Diagnosis and Addiction Disorders (3)
CSL 547 Multicultural Counseling and Advocacy (3)
CSL 575 Psychopathology and Client Adaptations (3)
CSL 580 Professional Ethical and Legal Standards of Practice (3)
CSL 600 Theories of Counseling (3)
CSL 615 Career Development and Life Planning (3)
CSL 625 Theory and Practice of Appraisal (3)
CSL 630 Human Development Across the Life Span (3)
CSL 660 Professional Foundations and Counseling Skills (3)
CSL 665 Group Counseling (3)
CSL 688 Crisis and Trauma Intervention (3)
EDU 603 Introduction to Educational Research and Design (3)
Content Area Requirements for Clinical Mental Health Counseling (24 hours)
CSL 605 Clinical Psychoparmacology (3)
CSL 645 Diverse Families and Relationships (3)
CSL 661 Counseling Techniques and Strategies (3)
CSL 662 Supervised Practicum (3)
CSL 672 Organization/Administration of Clinical Counseling Services (3)
CSL 675 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Counseling (3)
*CSL 697 Internship in Counseling (CMHC I) (3)
*CSL 697 Internship in Counseling (CMHC II) (3)
*Practicum and internship experiences determined by program: The setting of an internship must be specific to the type of program selected. Students must acquire hours to satisfy the appropriate certification and licensure requirements.
Nebraska Licensure of Mental Health Practitioners and Certification of Professional Counselors
Licensure as a mental health practitioner and certification as a professional counselor in Nebraska is accomplished through the Department of Health.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting:
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Regulation and Licensure
P.O. Box 95007
Lincoln, NE, 68509-5007
Visit the NDHHS website
See the counseling program's graduation and placement rates in the Outcomes Report.