Every effort is made to ensure this information is current, but please be aware that some content may have changed. There is no substitute for developing a careful course registration plan in consultation with your advisor. The class sequence listed is suggested only. The final decision rests with the student and academic advisor.
2023-24 Academic Year
The following courses can be taken at Wayne State College prior to transferring to the University of Nebraska:
Business and Technology
CSC 150 Programming Fundamentals (3)
ITE 109 Mechanical and Engineering Drafting (3)
Choose one of the following:
ECO 202 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ECO 203 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
ENG 102 Composition Skills (3)
ENG 200 Expository Writing (3)
Choose one of the following:
CNA 201 Small Group Communication (3)
CNA 210 Interpersonal Communication (3)
Choose one of the following:
ART 110 Drawing I (3)
ART 344 Art History I (3)
ART 345 Art History II (3)
CNA 101 Intro to Theatre (3)
ENG 202 Poetry Workshop (3)
ENG 203 Fiction Workshop (3)
MAT 140 Calculus I (5)
MAT 240 Calculus II (5)
MAT 250 Differential Equations (3)
MAT 340 Calculus III (5)
MAT 350 Linear Algebra (3)
Natural Science
CHE 106 General Chemistry I (4)
CHE 107 General Chemistry II (4)
PHY 115 Professionalism in Science and Engineering (2)
PHY 214 Engineering Statics (3)
PHY 215 Applied Dynamics (3)
PHY 301 University Physics I (4)
PHY 302 University Physics II (4)
PHY 321 University Physics I Lab (1)
PHY 345 Thermodynamics (3)
Social Science
Choose one of the following:
GEO 120 World Regional Geography (3)
GEO 300 Human Geography (3)
HIS 120 World History (3)
HIS 170 World Civilization I (3)
HIS 171 World Civilization II (3)
PHI 105 Ethics and Values (3)
POS 110 Intro to World Politics (3)
SOC 110 Intro to Anthropology (3)
SOC 220 Social Problems (3)
SOC 415 The Family (3)
Choose one of the following:
HIS 180 American Experience I (3)
HIS 181 American Experience II (3)