Every effort is made to ensure this information is current, but please be aware that some content may have changed. There is no substitute for developing a careful course registration plan in consultation with your advisor. The class sequence listed is suggested only. The final decision rests with the student and academic advisor.
2023-24 Academic Year
This is the set of classes required for a Special Education (7-12) subject endorsement. In addition to choosing the special education (7-12) subject endorsement, you will also need to choose a second subject endorsement or field endorsement to receive your B.A. or B.S.
Required courses
SPD 160 Introduction to Special Education (3)
SPD 254 Instructional Methods for Special Education 7-12 (3)
SPD 255 Functional Curriculum and Instructional Methods (3)
SPD 302 Inclusion and Co-teaching in General Education (3)
SPD 332 Special Education Law (3)
SPD 352 Assessment, Evaluation, and the IEP K-12 (3)
SPD 436 Classroom Management through Social-Emotional Learning 7-12 (3)
SPD 452 Consultation and Collaboration (3)
SPD 461 Practicum in Special Education (3)
Professional Education Courses Sequence: 18 hours
EDU 150 Introduction to Professional Education (3)
EDU 245 Preparing for Level 2: Teacher Candidacy (take with EDU 250 or first semester at WSC) (0)
EDU 250 Human Development and Cognition (3)
EDU 275 PK-12 Instructional Design (3)
EDU 445 Preparing for Level 3: Clinical Practice (semester before clinical practice) (0)
SPD 460 Clinical Practice and Seminar for Special Education 7-12 (6)
Approved elective in SPD Professional Education Core (3)