Wayne State College

Social Studies Education Program of Study

Every effort is made to ensure this information is current, but please be aware that some content may have changed. There is no substitute for developing a careful course registration plan in consultation with your advisor. The class sequence listed is suggested only. The final decision rests with the student and academic advisor.

Students should plan to complete some courses during summer school if they wish to complete graduation requirements in a four-year period. 

Students seeking endorsements in education need to work closely with their advisors regarding the required coursework in the subject endorsements and in professional education. 

Students are encouraged to consider taking a foreign language as part of their general education program. (See appropriate section of catalog.) 

2023-24 Academic Year

CNA 100 Principles of Human Communication (General Studies CAT 2) (3)
EDU 150 Introduction to Professional Education (3)
ENG 102 English Composition Skills (General Studies CAT 1) (3)
GEO 120 World Regional Geography (3)
HIS 280 America: 15,000 B.C. to 1845 (3)
HIS 281 America: 1845-1945 (3)
MAT course by advisement (General Studies CAT 3) (3)
POS 100 American National Government (3)
General Studies by advisement (6)

ECO 202 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ECO 203 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
EDU 250 Human Development and Cognition (3)
EDU 275 PK-12 Instructional Design (3)
HIS 170 World Civilizations I (3)
HIS 171 World Civilizations II (3)
SOC/ECO/GEO/POS/PSY by advisement (6)
General Studies by advisement (12)

Advancement to Level 2: Acceptance to Teacher Education Candidacy required before taking any 300/400 EDU/SPD level courses.   

ECO/GEO/POS by advisement (3)
EDU 310 Reading, Writing, and Assessment in the Content Area (2)
EDU 406 Classroom Management (3)
HIS 385 America: 1945 to the Present (3)
SOC/ECO/GEO/POS/PSY course(s) by advisement (9)
SPD 302 Inclusion and Co-teaching in General Education (3)
Upper level U.S. history by advisement (9)

EDU 409 Social Science Content Methods/Assessment (fall only) (3)
EDU 414 Content Area Practicum Experience (1)
SOC 490 Social Sciences Research Seminar (fall only) (3)
SOC/ECO/GEO/POS/PSY by advisement (6)
Upper level non-U.S. history by advisement (3)

Advancement to Level 3: Clinical Practice
EDU 456 Clinical Practice and Seminar Secondary School (12)

All persons seeking Nebraska certification are required to provide proof of a passing score on the Praxis II content test designated for the area(s) of endorsement. For information about the test requirements, please visit the Nebraska Department of Education.