Pre-Occupational Therapy (Sociology Track) Program of Study
Every effort is made to ensure this information is current, but please be aware that some content may have changed. There is no substitute for developing a careful course registration plan in consultation with your advisor. The class sequence listed is suggested only. The final decision rests with the student and academic advisor.
*Meets prerequisites for Creighton University and University of South Dakota Occupational Therapy Doctorate programs
2023-24 Academic Year
Freshman - 1st semester
BIO 110 Biology Concepts (General Studies CAT 7) (4)
*ENG 102 Composition Skills (General Studies CAT 1) (3)
FCS 207 Nutrition (General Studies CAT 9) (3)
SOC 220 Social Problems (General Studies CAT 8) (3)
General Studies CAT 4 or elective (4)
Freshman - 2nd semester
CHE 106 General Chemistry I (4)
CNA 100 Principles of Human Communication (General Studies CAT 2) (3)
*HIS 120 World History (General Studies CAT 10) (3)
PSY 101 General Psychology (General Studies CAT 5) (3)
Elective (3)
Sophomore - 3rd semester
*BIO 220 Human Anatomy (4)
MAT 121 or 180 (General Studies CAT 3) (3)
PHI 105 Ethics and Values (General Studies CAT 6) (3)
PSY 230 Lifespan Development (3)
Electives (6)
Sophomore - 4th semester
BIO 108 Biomedical Terminology (1)
SOC 300 Social Science Research Methods (3)
SOC major electives and/or minor electives (12)
Electives (6)
Junior - 5th semester
SOC major or minor electives (12)
SSC 319 Social Science Statistics (3)
Electives (3)
Junior - 6th semester
BIO 340 Human Physiology OR PSY 450 Abnormal Psychology (3-4)
SOC major or minor electives (12)
Elective (3)
Senior - 7th semester
SOC 480 Social Theory (3)
SOC major and/or minor electives (12)
Electives (6)
Senior - 8th semester
BIO 340 Human Physiology OR PSY 450 Abnormal Psychology (3-4)
SOC major and/or minor electives (12)
Electives (8)
Suggested elective:
PHY 201 General Physics (3)
Internship credit hours can be earned as elective credit in the sociology major. Consult with advisor.