Every effort is made to ensure this information is current, but please be aware that some content may have changed. There is no substitute for developing a careful course registration plan in consultation with your advisor. The class sequence listed is suggested only. The final decision rests with the student and academic advisor.
2023-24 Academic Year
Supplemental endorsement only. This endorsement cannot exist by itself on a certificate but is added to a certificate only in the presence of other endorsements which may have been acquired earlier or concurrently. Persons with this endorsement may teach information technology courses in grades K-12.
This endorsement requires a minimum of 15 semester hours in information technology courses.
Junior, Senior, or Graduate
CSC 442/542 Programming, Design, and Documentation (3)
CSC 448/548 Web and Multimedia Content Design and Administration (3)
CIS 454/554 Technology Platforms: Hardware and Operating Systems (3)
CIS 457/557 Networking and Technology Management (3)
CIS 475/575 Topics in CIS: Emerging Information Technologies (3)
For undergraduate (400 level), the classes for the information technology endorsement are taken entirely in the junior and senior year and can be taken in any order. The final decision rests with the student and academic advisor.
Two courses will be offered each summer and alternate with two courses the following summer. The remaining course is offered online during the regular semester. Generally, CIS 457/557 and CSC 448/548 courses are offered in the July summer session of even-numbered years as completely online courses. The CIS 454/554 and CSC 442/542 courses are offered in odd-numbered years in a similar manner. The CIS 475/575 course is offered as an entirely online course in the fall or spring regular semester depending upon projected demand.