Wayne State College

Elementary Education Programs of Study

Elementary Education with Early Childhood Education

The following is a sample program of study for the elementary education (K-6) field endorsement paired with the early childhooed education (PK-3) supplemental endorsement.

Every effort is made to ensure this information is current, but please be aware that some content may have changed. There is no substitute for developing a careful course registration plan in consultation with your advisor. The class sequence listed is suggested only. The final decision rests with the student and academic advisor.

2023-24 Academic Year

Students must complete the requirements of each level before moving forward to the next part of the program. A 33-semester hour professional education component addresses the needs of teachers in K-12. Courses in professional education will be broad-based, supportive of the school as a community of learners, and enhance the understanding of families.

CNA 100 Principles of Human Communication (General Studies CAT 2) (3)
EDU 150 Introduction to Professional Education (3)
EDU 216 Children’s Literature (3)
EDU 217 Diverse Family Systems (2)
ENG 102 Composition Skills (General Studies CAT 1) (3)
FCS 120 Intro to Early Childhood (fall only) (2)
FCS 220 Infants and Toddlers (Birth - 2 years) (spring only) (3)
*MAT 210 Math for Elementary Teachers I (General Studies CAT 3) (3)
General Studies CAT 4, CAT 5, and CAT 6 (9)

*Additional math may be required for ACT scores below 19.

Start completing initial benchmarks during EDU 245.

ART 315 Art and Creative Processes in Education (2)
EDU 245 Preparing for Level 2: Teacher Candidacy (take with EDU 250 or first semester at WSC) (0)
EDU 250 Human Development and Cognition (prereq: EDU 150) (3)
EDU 275 PK-12 Instructional Design (prereq: EDU 150) (3)
FCS 335 Pre-School Age Child (3 through 5) (fall only) (3)
MAT 215 Math for Elementary Teachers II (3)
MUS 214 Music and Creative Processes in Education (2)
SPD 260 Characteristics: Birth through Age 8 (spring only) (1)
General Studies CAT 7, CAT 8, CAT 9, and CAT 10 (12)
Second science course (3)

Advancement to Level 2: Acceptance to Educator Preparation
Candidacy is required for enrollment in EDU/SPD 300-400 level courses.

EDU 302 Curriculum, Standards, Assessment in Elementary School (3)
EDU 303 Developmentally Appropriate Practices for the Young Child (spring only) (3)
EDU 318 Professional Communications (3)
EDU 320 Instructional Media and Technology (2)
EDU 331 Development of Physical Education and Health in the Elementary and Middle School (3)
EDU 332 Development of Language Arts in the Elementary and Middle School (3)
EDU 335 Practicum Experience I (1)
EDU 340 Early Reading (3)
EDU 341 Intermediate Reading (3)
FCS 412 Guiding the Young Child (3)
FCS 430 Organization and Administration of Early Childhood Education Programs (spring only) (3)
SPD 302 Inclusion and Co-teaching in General Education (3)

EDU 423 Development of Social Studies in the Elementary and Middle School (3)
EDU 430 Literacy Assessment (3)
EDU 431 Development of Science in the Elementary and Middle School (3)
EDU 432 Development of Math in the Elementary and Middle School (3)
EDU 435 Practicum Experience II (1)
EDU 445 Preparing for Level 3: Clinical Practice (semester before clinical practice) (0)
SPD 435 Classroom Management through Social-Emotional Learning K-6 (3)

Advancement to Level 3: Clinical Practice

EDU 452 Clinical Practice and Seminar for Elementary School (12)

All persons seeking Nebraska certification are required to provide proof of a passing score on the Praxis II content test designated for the area(s) of endorsement. For information about the test requirements, please visit the Nebraska Department of Education.