Every effort is made to ensure this information is current, but please be aware that some content may have changed. There is no substitute for developing a careful course registration plan in consultation with your advisor. The class sequence listed is suggested only. The final decision rests with the student and academic advisor.
Admission to the MLS program is competitive. The completion of the medical lab science program at WSC is not a guarantee for acceptance. All prerequisite coursework must be taken for credit and grades below “C-” are not accepted by The University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC)/Methodist. The coursework described below will allow students to earn a biology degree from WSC upon transfer of the one-year MLS curriculum at UNMC/Methodist. A student could also work toward a degree in chemistry. It is the student’s responsibility to meet deadlines for application to the MLS program(s) of their choice.
Note: 90 credits are required for entry into Methodist while UNMC will allow 77 credits. Students are encouraged to work toward 90 credits to provide more opportunities for acceptance into MLS programs. In addition to the minimum number of credits required for entry into an affiliated MLS program, the 3+1 degree in biology (medical lab science concentration) from WSC requires the completion of the specific courses and general education requirements shown on this sheet.
2023-24 Academic Year
Freshman - 1st semester
*BIO 104 Environmental Concerns (General Studies CAT 10) (3)
CHE 106 General Chemistry I (4)
ENG 102 Composition Skills (General Studies CAT 1) (3)
General Studies (3)
Freshman - 2nd semester
BIO 110 Biology Concepts (General Studies CAT 7) (4)
CHE 107 General Chemistry II (4)
General Studies (6)
Sophomore - 1st semester
BIO 320 Molecular Genetics (4)
MAT 180 Statistics (General Studies CAT 3) (3)
PHY 201 General Physics I (3)
PHY 321 General Physics I Lab (1)
General Studies (3)
Sophomore - 2nd semester
BIO 385 Microbiology (4)
CHE 208 Intro to Organic Chemistry (4)
General Studies (6)
Upper level elective (any area) (3)
Junior - 1st semester
BIO 220 Human Anatomy (4)
CHE 326 Biochemistry I (4)
Elective (3)
Upper level electives (any area) (6)
Junior - 2nd semester
BIO 301 Biology Seminar (1)
BIO 340 Human Physiology (4)
BIO 486 Immunology (3)
Electives (to total 90 credits) (8)
HSC 498 Clinical Year in Affiliated Hospitals
*Recommended, but not required, to fulfill General Studies CAT 10
Highly recommended elective courses:
BIO 330 Histology (4)
BIO 336 Cancer Biology (3)
BIO 430 Parasitology (3)
BIO 434 Advanced Cell Biology (3)
CHE 305 Analytical Chemistry (generally available as a summer course) (4)
CHE 380 Instrumental Analysis (prerequisite CHE 305 Analytical Chemistry) (4)