Every effort is made to ensure this information is current, but please be aware that some content may have changed. There is no substitute for developing a careful course registration plan in consultation with your advisor. The class sequence listed is suggested only. The final decision rests with the student and academic advisor.
Students must complete the listed coursework below in addition to meeting the Core Academic Tenets (CATs) of the General Studies program. A minimum of 120 credits are needed for graduation. A second subject endorsement is required for Nebraska state certification. Students may need to take summer classes to complete requirements for this endorsement. Check class schedules for summer offerings.
2023-24 Academic Year
Level 1: Preparing for Teacher Candidacy
Freshman - 1st semester
*BIO 110 Biology Concepts (4)
*CHE 106 General Chemistry I (4)
CNA 100 Principles of Communication (3)
ENG 102 Composition Skills (3)
Electives / General Studies (3)
Freshman - 2nd semester
BIO 200 Zoology (4)
CHE 107 General Chemistry II (4)
EDU 150 Introduction to Professional Education (3)
MAT 180 Applied Probability and Statistics (3)
Electives / General Studies (3)
Sophomore - 1st semester
BIO 220 Human Anatomy (4)
BIO 320 Molecular Genetics (4)
EDU 250 Human Development and Cognition (3)
EDU 275 PK-12 Instructional Design (3)
Science electives / General Studies (3-4)
Sophomore - 2nd semester
BIO 210 Experimental Plant Science (4)
BIO 340 Human Physiology (4)
SPD 302 Inclusion and Co-teaching in General Education (3)
Electives / General Studies (6-8)
Advancement to Level 2: Acceptance to Teacher Education Candidacy required before taking any 300/400 level courses.
Junior - 1st semester
BIO 300 Invertebrate Zoology or biology elective (4)
BIO 325 Ecology (4)
EDU 310 Reading, Writing, and Assessment in Content Areas (2)
Electives / General Studies 6-8
Junior - 2nd semester
BIO 370 Intro to Research (2)
BIO 393 Lab Techniques (1)
BIO 425 Evolution (3)
SPD 436 Classroom Management through Social-Emotional Learning 7-12 (3)
Science electives / General Studies (7-12)
Senior - 1st semester
EDU 409 Science Methods and Assessment (3)
EDU 414 Content Area Clinical Experience (1)
*PHY 201 General Physics I (3)
*PHY 321 General Physics I Lab (1)
Electives (4)
Advancement to Level 3: Clinical Practice
Senior - 2nd semester
EDU 456 Clinical Practice and Seminar for Secondary Schools (12)
*Identifies core courses
All persons seeking Nebraska certification are required to provide proof of a passing score on the Praxis II content test designated for the area(s) of endorsement. For information about the test requirements, please visit the Nebraska Department of Education website at www.education.ne.gov.