The study of biology is the study of life. In biology, you get to explore living and breathing creatures, studying organisms from the tiniest insects to the largest mammals. A biology minor is a an excellent complement to many of our other science majors, including our pre-professional programs. You’ll get basic exposure to biology without requiring the indepth courses for the major. You’ll even get some time in the lab, using modern science equipment and learning from quality faculty. Subjects like zoology, genetics, microbiology, and anatomy can provide you with fundamental knowledge that can be applied to a variety of careers in health, science, agriculture, and engineering. The living and breathing world is vast and open – just choose your route!
2023-24 Academic Year
Required Courses: 20 hours
A minor must include a minimum of 12 hours unduplicated by your major(s) and minor(s).
- BIO 110 Biology Concepts (4)
- Biology electives (16)
Note: At least 12 of the additional 16 hours of biology electives must be numbered 300 or above.