Wayne State College

VAWA: A Resource Guide for Students on Sexual Misconduct


Sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking are violations of Wayne State College’s Student Handbook, Code of Conduct, and Nebraska State College System Board Policy 3020. A number of federal laws and regulations, including Title IX, the Violence Against Women Act, and the Clery Act mandate how institutions respond to such allegations. Many types of sexual misconduct also constitute violations of Nebraska state law.

Members of the campus community, guests, and visitors have a right to be free from sexual misconduct. All members of the community must conduct themselves in a way that does not infringe upon the rights of others. The Nebraska State College System Board Policy 3020 is intended to define expectations for appropriate conduct and outline resolution processes to address conduct that does not meet these expectations. When individuals accused of sexual misconduct are found to be in violation of the policy, the College will impose serious sanctions, as noted on the next page.

All members of the campus community, guests, and visitors are protected by this policy regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The College responds to all reports of sexual misconduct involving members of the campus community, no matter where they occur, whether on or off campus. For more details on this policy, please see Board Policy 3020.

Additional information about campus crime, state laws, and disclosures related to sexual misconduct can be found online in the Annual Security and Safety Report.