These electives are available for Summer 2020.
*Courses that will go toward an additional Nebraska endorsement are noted with an asterisk.
8-week session (May 18-July 9)
FCS 604W0 Infants/Toddlers Through Primary Children Birth-8 (4) Study of the processes of human growth and development from birth through age 8 as determined by heredity, society, and human interaction. The course will examine physical, social, emotional, cognitive (intellectual), language (communication), and creative development. *Early Childhood
June 5-week session (June 8-July 9)
EDU 515H0/1 ESL Programs, Curriculum, and Assessment (3) A course to examine programs providing appropriate education for English Language Learners. Curriculum will be evaluated relative to the research in second language acquisition. Modules on formal assessment for placement and growth and informal (authentic) assessment will also be provided. Clinical experience will be included. Graduate students will complete an additional project relating to the theorists who have contributed to understanding of ESL programs, curriculum, and assessment. (H0 meets in South Sioux City and H1 meets in Wakefield. Both meet on 6/9, 16, 23, and 30 and rest is online). *ESL or Reading and Writing
EDU 516H0/H1 ESL Methods and Assessment (3) A course designed to examine methods appropriate for English Language Learners including sheltered English, total physical approach, comprehensions based and affective-humanistic approaches. Techniques for an authentic (informal) assessment of Limited English Proficient students and goal setting based on results of formal assessment as well as clinical experience will be included. Graduate students will complete a project relative to the use of appropriate methods or assessments of ELL students.). (H0 meets in South Sioux City and H1 meets in Wakefield. Both meet on 6/9, 16, 23, and 30 and rest is online). *ESL or Reading and Writing
EDU 557W0/1 Human Relations in a Pluralistic Society (1) A study of issues and sensitivity to biases in human relations as they impact people of a pluralistic society with varied histories, values, and lifestyles. Develop abilities to recognize, and use strategies and skills to deal with dehumanizing biases, including, but not limited to sexism, racism, prejudice, and discrimination and promote respect for human dignity and individual rights, and celebrate the differences of individuals and groups in a pluralistic society that make it viable.
EDU 56880 Workshop: Social Emotional Learning: An Adlerian Approach (3). Students will gather information about five social-emotional competencies and develop specific strategies to improve and enhance these competencies from preschool to elementary to middle school to secondary schools. The competencies and strategies will be processed in large and small group discussions. From these discussions, specific application for integration of social emotional strategies into preschool through secondary schools will be developed. Information and strategies presented in the workshop will be based on current educational literature and the delivery of the curriculum will be based on the psychology of Alfred Adler focusing on equality, empathy, encouragement and empowerment in a democratic atmosphere. (June 1-5, meets in Norfolk)
EDU 568-0081 Workshop: Working With Students Affected by Addictions: An Adlerian Approach (3) Students will gather information about the definition and categorization of addictions, identification of the potential effects of students living in an addictive environment, identification of the roles connected to addictive environments, and identification, intervention, prevention, and recovery strategies to work with students affected by addictions. Information will be processed in large and small group discussion. Situation-specific strategies will be developed by educators to empower students and others affected by addictions. Information and strategies presented in the workshop will be based on current addiction, educational, prevention and recovery literature. The delivery of the curriculum will be based on the psychology of Alfred Adler focusing on equality, empathy, encouragement, ethics, and empowerment in a democratic atmosphere. (June 8-12, meets in Norfolk)
EDU 600W0 Literacy through Literature for Children (3) An advanced course in children’s literature will focus on all genre including contemporary authors and multicultural materials for elementary school applications. An emphasis will be given to the integration of literature across the curriculum to facilitate literacy. *Reading and Writing PK-6
EDU 604W0 Language Arts in the Elementary/Middle School (3) A course designed to enhance instruction and assessment of elementary and middle level students’ communication skills. *Reading and Writing PK-6
EDU 614W0 Math in the Elementary/Middle School (3) A course designed to enhance instruction and assessment of elementary and middle level students’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions in mathematics.
EDU 642W0 Foundations of Literacy (3) The philosophy, history, and components including but not limited to phonics, comprehension, writing, and diverse learners of PK-12 literacy. *Reading Specialist and Reading and Writing PK-6
EDU 647W0 Instructional Theory and Practice in Literacy (3) Investigates various theoretical and practical methods of literacy instruction as well as the literacy needs of diverse learners. *Reading Specialist
EDU 682W0 Developing and Integrating Technology in the Classroom (3) This is an advanced course in which students will further develop skills to use advanced technology for classroom presentations and interactive teaching/learning. This course is also designed to integrate instructional principles and assessment practices with the use of technology in the classroom. Students will develop a broader understanding of the application of technology in the curriculum of one’s subject area(s) or grade level(s). *Reading Specialist
SPD 652W0 Collaboration and Co-Teaching in the Field (3) Effective techniques of working with parents, educators, paraprofessionals, related service providers, agencies and other professional personnel. A strong emphasis will be placed on the various models of co-teaching, forming co-teaching partnerships, and planning within a co-taught environment. Course objectives prescribed in SPD 652 syllabus include 10 field hours. *Special Education
July 5-week session (July 13-Aug. 12)
CNA 567W0 Intercultural Communications (3) A course aimed at developing a thorough understanding of communication and culture, in both global and community settings, and the way members of diverse cultures and subcultures utilize unique systems, symbols and media representation to communicate among themselves and other groups. Emphasis on media representation of minority groups and U.S. sponsored health/public welfare campaigns in developing nations will enable students to critically assess the communication process in a cultural context. *ESL
CSC 548W0 Web and Multimedia Content Design and Administration (3) This course is a study of digital media, multimedia, and web=based media and applications. The various forms of digital media will be presented. Approaches to integrating multiple forms of digital media into multimedia presentations of projects will be addressed. Current multimedia tools will be introduced. The creation and management of web-based media and applications will also be explored. Markup languages and web creation tools will be addressed. Design strategies, content management strategies, security, aesthetics, and related topics will be considered. Students will also be presented with approached to teaching the topics contained in this course and will be asked to create a written reflection, from an educator’s perspective, on teaching these topics. *Information Technology
CIS 557W0 Networking and Technology Management (3) This course provides students with a basic knowledge of computer networks, including network concepts and network operating systems. The areas of network selection, installation, management, maintenance, troubleshooting, design and evaluation are addressed. Instructional strategies for teaching networking and managing the networking instructional environment will also be presented. Special emphasis is placed on issues of security, scalability, and design for maintainability. This course also addressed general methods, skills, and strategies essential for planning and managing authentic and meaningful information technology learning experiences for students. Strategies for dealing with diverse populations, wide ranges of computer literacy levels, and a variety of learning styles are considered. The topics of assessment, evaluation, and appropriate feedback techniques are explored. In addition the course provides coverage of the general management skills, techniques, and strategies for planning, designing, implementing, evaluating, and managing the learning environment and the various technology components, technical resources, and tools that are a part of it. The basic practice of database design, development, and management is presented and it role in technology management is emphasized. Students will complete a significant technology planning or technology management project in this course. That project will be supported by a database application. *Information Technology
EDU 648W0 Advanced Assessment and Interventions in Literacy (3) Literacy assessment tools, techniques, bias, data analysis, and instructional interventions for grades PK-12. Field experiences will be included. *Reading Specialist and/or Reading and Writing 7-12
EDU 649W0 Instructional Leadership in Literacy (3) Investigates various instructional leadership (e.g., mentor, coach, and director) roles for literacy professional and interpersonal skills required for such positions. Field experiences will be included. *Reading Specialist
ENG 526W0 Linguistic Theory and Applications (3) Introduction to generative grammar and its application to English and other languages. In addition to basic concepts of phonology and morpho-syntax, the course covers language acquisition, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, and other applied linguistic fields. *ESL
SPD 611W0/1 Organization and Administration of Special Education (3) Introduction to administrative procedures of special services. Emphasis on Nebraska and national laws governing special education. Processes of planning and implementing student programs as well as maintaining student records, identifying, selecting and using local and state resources for operating the special education program are studied. *Special Education
SPD 630W0 History and Characteristics of Exceptionalities (3) The historical development of the education of students with exceptional education needs, recognizing the characteristics of both high and low incidence disability categories. An emphasis is placed on the acceptance and/or exclusions of students with exceptionalities within family, community, vocational, and school environments. *Special Education
For further information, contact the Records and Registration Office at 402-375-7239.