Wayne State College

Leigh Scruggs

Dr. Leigh Scruggs is an associate professor in the Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership at Wayne State College. She teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses focusing on special educational needs (SENs) in person and online. Dr. Scruggs is a returned Peace Corps response volunteer having served 12 months as a university teacher/trainer instructing in-service and pre-service teachers on inclusive practices and methodology in Lutsk, Ukraine. Before moving to Eastern Europe, Dr. Scruggs was a special education teacher and services coordinator for 11 years working in PK-12 public schools in North Carolina and Florida.


Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, Florida Atlantic University, 2018
M.A., Teaching / Special Education, Western Carolina University, 2009
M.S., Criminal Justice, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2002
B.S., Criminal Justice, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1994

Academic Interests

Dr. Scruggs’ academic interests include social-emotional learning, educational policy development and implementation, and addressing the de-professionalization of teaching as a career. Her teacher education philosophy is “To prepare every teacher to teach every student."