Wayne State College

Career Planning and Exploration

Career Planning


Career Planning is a service offered to students by the Wayne State Counseling Center throughout the school year, including summer sessions. Career planning is designed for students who have not yet decided on a major course of study in their college experience. Students who have some uncertainty about occupational goals related to their major should consider signing up for career planning. Students who have a goal in mind, but would like to clarify the goal and gather additional information related to their goal would also benefit from career planning. 


Career planning is an information-gathering, decision-making process. It includes organizing personal biographical data, taking interest and personality inventories, assessing occupational skills, and gathering information about various occupations. The outcome of the career planning process is a plan of action regarding the next steps to be taken toward career goals. Career planning is currently being offered as an individual process. Make an appointment with your academic adviser for more details.