Open Pathway
The HLC has developed a model for continued accreditation through a program called Pathways. The two pathways for continued accreditation are Standard and Open. In addition to the regular monitoring that occurs through HLC’s Institutional Update and other processes, institutions on each pathway complete multiple reviews to ensure they continue to meet the Criteria for accreditation and pursue institutional improvement.
Wayne State College has selected the Open Pathway. The Open Pathway separates the continued accreditation process into two components: the Assurance Review and the Quality Initiative.
- Two Assurance Reviews take place in the ten-year cycle: one in Year 4 and one in Year 10. The Year 4 review occurs asynchronously via the Commission's online Assurance System and without a visit. The Year 10 review also is conducted with the Assurance System but includes a visit to the campus, as noted below. No change requests may be combined with the Year 4 review; all change requests at Year 4 are evaluated separately through the Commission's change process.
- Between Years 5 and 9 of the ten-year cycle, the institution proposes and completes a Quality Initiative. The Assurance Reviews free the Quality Initiative to focus on institutional innovation and improvement. The institution undertakes a Quality Initiative as something it elects to suit its own purposes. Its timeframe is flexible to accommodate the amount of time necessary to complete or make substantial progress toward completion.
- In Year 10, the institution undergoes a comprehensive evaluation.
Wayne State College is scheduled for a 2024-2025 comprehensive review visit. Specific year by year requirements are listed in the Open Pathway – Accreditation Activities chart.