Library Bylaws
Article I: Name
The name of this committee shall be the library committee of Wayne State College at Wayne, Nebraska.
Article II: Purpose, Functions and Duties of the Committee
The purpose, functions and duties of the committee shall be:
- Recommending policies for the operation of the library resource center, its budget and services;
- Provide a channel of communication in regard to library issues between the faculty, students, and administration;
- To initiate suggestions for changes in library policies affecting the institution;
- To send a representative to college/administrative committee meetings if requested;
- To address, discuss, and make recommendations relating to proposed library policies and issues referred to the committee by administration, faculty, and the student body;
- Set the budget allocation formula as defined in the Library Collection Development Policy Manual;
- Recommend reallocations of available funds among various categories: books, journals, magazines, newspapers, audio-visual materials, computer discs, and other known and unknown information storage systems, review the budget request to the college administration each year; and
- Assist the library administration upon request in planning the facilities, equipment, use and design, etc. of the library.
Article III: Membership
Composition and eligibility of the committee shall be as follows:
Members with voting privileges
- Four faculty members, one from each school;
- One professional librarian, elected by the professional library staff for a two year term;
- One student representative, elected by the Student Senate, and serving a one year term;
- One professional from student services, elected by the professional staff under the direction of the Dean of Students, or appointed by the Dean of Students for a two year term.
Non-Voting Members
- Library Director
- Director of the Office of Continuing Education
New faculty members shall be selected by Schools as vacancies occur.
Article IV: Officers
Officers shall be selected by the following procedures:
A new Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected at a regularly scheduled meeting in April;
An elected Chair shall preside over every meeting. If the Chair is unable to conduct the meeting the duties will be delegated to the Vice Chair;
The duties of the Chair shall be to call meetings, to specify time and place of meetings, to prepare the agenda, to present reports and recommendations to the Faculty Senate, the general faculty meetings, and to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
The minutes of the meeting shall be distributed to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, School offices, Committee members, and placed on the campus Bulletin Board electronic file;
The Chair and Vice-Chair positions may only be filled by a faculty member from one of the four schools.
Article V: Meetings and Voting Procedures
Regular meetings:
- During the academic year, there shall be a regular meeting of the committee every month at the discretion of the committee;
- The Committee may also meet, communicate, and vote, via email;
- Agendas will be distributed to committee members at least one day in advance of the scheduled meeting. By majority vote, the committee may reorder the agenda.
Special meetings:
Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chair, any six members of the committee, or at the request of the Library Director.
A simply majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum
Open Meetings:
All regular and special meetings of the committee shall be open to all faculty, staff, and students represented by the committee.
The usual method of voting will be voice vote.
Votes by ballot may be requested by any voting member of the committee.
- A request to vote by ballot must be seconded and passed by a majority of the voting members present. (Voting via email permitted when needed or desired).
- When voting by ballot, the Chair shall appoint two tellers to conduct the vote. Tellers will distribute, collect, and count the ballots.
Roll call voting may be used by the committee.
Voting members may designate a substitute to attend the meeting and vote on behalf of the member.
Voting members may designate a proxy vote to the Chair when and issue is listed in the agenda for voting, and the member will be unable to attend or send a substitute.
Roberts Rules of Order (latest edition) shall be used for parliamentary procedures.
Modified: Fall 2001