Wayne State College

GPA Calculator

To calculate a GPA for courses completed by the student, the total number of grade points accumulated is divided by the total number of quality hours. “Quality hours” are all attempted hours except those graded S, NC, IP, W. When a course is repeated, only the grade earned in repetition will be used in computing the GPA.

The cumulative GPA is calculated only on work taken at WSC, which includes Criminal Justice courses offered at WSC through the cooperative program with Northeast Community College. All grades, including transferred grades, are used in figuring the major/minor/endorsement GPA.

Note: In order to use this Calculator your Browser must support JavaScript.

Complete the Information Below to Calculate Your Estimated Current Semester GPA (Note: Do not use S, NC, IP, I, W, CW, EW or the form will not work properly.)

Current Semester
(change sample classes to fit your needs)

Letter Grade
(use CAPS)

# Credits for Class

ESTIMATED Current Semester GPA is:

Complete the Information Below to Calculate Your Estimated Cumulative GPA

Prior to Current Semester:

Cum. GPA

Cum. Quality Hours (QHRS)

ESTIMATED Cumulative GPA is: