Wayne State College


Academic Amnesty

Currently enrolled undergraduate WSC students may remove one (1) or two (2) complete terms of undergraduate course work from their cumulative GPA and undergraduate degree consideration. Application for academic amnesty must be made in the Records and Registration Office, with approval also needed from the Student Financial Services Office, the Veteran’s Officer, the Athletic Director, the Academic Advisor, and the Dean of Students. Final approval must be granted by the Student Admission & Retention Committee, a minimum of one term prior to the student’s term of graduation.

To qualify, a student must have completed a minimum of twenty-four (24) semester credit hours at WSC (following the most recent term(s) for which the student desires academic amnesty), within which; (1) all hours attempted are counted, (2) only sequential terms are used, (3) a minimum 2.75 WSC cumulative GPA has been earned within those hours referenced above. Transfer students to WSC may not declare academic amnesty for any term(s) completed at any other institution of higher education.

In declaring academic amnesty, all courses, credit hours, grades, and grade points, taken during the identified academic amnesty term(s), including any courses successfully completed, will be removed from the cumulative GPA and undergraduate degree requirements. The academic amnesty term(s) listing course work and grades received shall remain on the student’s permanent official WSC record with an academic amnesty notation. A revised cumulative GPA will be calculated and listed on the record, excluding the term(s) in which academic amnesty was declared.

Any academic amnesty initiated by the student resulting in action taken by WSC shall be final. Academic amnesty may be applied for and received by a student only one time.

Effective date of the WSC Academic Amnesty policy is May, 1993.