Wayne State College


Academic Probation

Any undergraduate student not currently on academic probation or suspension, whose cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. This includes first time freshmen. Probationary status will remain in effect as long as the student’s cumulative GPA remains below 2.0. Probation constitutes a period of formal warning that the student is doing unsatisfactory work. A student is removed from probation and returned to good academic standing when their cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above.

Returning undergraduate students, who left WSC on probation, will re-enter on probation. Students who left WSC in good standing may be placed on academic probation upon return if the GPA in college course work attempted from all other institutions is less than a 2.0. Returning undergraduate students must meet the academic standards in effect for current WSC students concerning periods of suspension from their transfer school or from WSC.

Transfer students admitted on probation must complete at least six hours and earn a semester GPA of 2.0 or better in their first term of attendance or they will be academically suspended for one semester. WSC honors rules and regulations pertaining to academic suspension at the most recently attended institution. See Admission section for more information.

The student is encouraged to use every opportunity during time on probation to seek counsel and guidance from various college support services, which have been established to offer assistance in study and academic planning. For information on such planning the student should consult with his or her academic advisor, the college Counseling Center, or the Vice President for Student Life.