Wayne State College


About the Phonathon

Phonathon Callers

The Phonathon is an annual program under the direction of the Wayne State Foundation. We hire students and train them to call alumni, parents, and friends of the college in order to update address and employment data, build relationships, and raise money for Wayne State College. The Phonathon starts in January and runs through the first week in March.

Why do students work for Phonathon?

Because they care about WSC and realize how important the Phonathon funds are to maintaining the strength of the college.

The money raised during Phonathon is spent on things important to the students - scholarships, faculty/staff grants, and special campus projects (Carhart Science renovation, Campus Commons, the Turf, Track and Soccer project, and the Willow Bow, to name a few) in addition to publications and operating funds. Working the Phonathon gives students the opportunity to know they are making a difference and earn some money for college. It also allows them to talk with WSC alumni giving them the chance to learn about our school’s past and maybe even network their way into an internship or job after graduation.

Why do people give to Phonathon?

Alumni, parents, and friends of WSC donate to help current students because they believe in our mission, they want to give back to the institution that helped them achieve success, and they know they will be improving the quality of student life by helping to provide scholarships, equipment, and extra-curricular activities.

Do telemarketing laws apply to Phonathon?

No. WSC is exempt from the do-not-call registry because the federal government realizes private giving is essential for campuses to cover unmet tuition costs and other enhancements.

If you did not receive a call from a student but would like to contribute to the Phonathon, you can make a gift online.


If you have any questions about Phonathon, please call Amber Sperry, Director of Alumni Relations, at 402-375-7370.