Wayne State College

Building and Person Emergencies

Bomb Threat


A bomb threat that is received at any Wayne State College Campus facility will be considered and responded to as a legitimate and real threat to the Wayne State College Campus. It is understood that the bomb threat will be unique in its presentation and various methods of response will be employed to resolve each issue. In each issue, the safety and well-being of the faculty, staff, and students will be paramount, and the Wayne State College Campus response will be to resolve the issue and return to normal operation at the earliest possible time with minimal disruption.


Procedures will vary with each threat. The nature of the threat, the specificity of the threat and the threatened location will determine a large portion of the decisions made to resolve the issue. In each instance, the bomb threat response will be followed for the campus involved as closely as possible. It is understood that deviations to an established response are to be expected. However, safety to life, protection of property and resumption of classes will guide the process.

The facility search will be conducted by selected Wayne State College Campus Security Department and other personnel and the instructions applicable to each situation will be followed. At all times, the activity will be coordinated with law enforcement personnel present.
The response guidelines for each building will be followed as closely as possible but deviations dictated by the uniqueness of each situation will take priority.

The Wayne State College Campus Security Department will be notified of a bomb threat by calling 402-375-7216 on a cell phone or 911 from a campus phone. Wayne State College Campus Security Department will notify the appropriate institutional administrators and continue with Bomb Threat Procedure if a threat is determined credible.

Wayne State College Institutional staff and student body will initiate evacuation.

  • Students will remove all personal property.
  • Faculty should check for, but not disturb, unusual objects as they depart classroom.
  • Staff should check for, but not disturb, unusual objects as they depart work areas. Report these unusual objects to the Wayne State College Campus Security Department and emergency personnel.
  • Re-assembly will be at least 500 feet from the affected area or wherever is determined to provide the best safety from potential danger.
  • The fire department will respond at the request of the Police Department and stage equipment at a discreet location in the vicinity of the campus unless otherwise requested or circumstances dictate a different course of action.
  • The Wayne State College Campus Security Department will be updated on the status of evacuation, students, faculty and staff location, and status of building inspection.
  • Wayne State College Campus Security Department will conduct common area, entrance, and surrounding area inspections of involved buildings.
  • Radios and cellphones will not be used within 300 feet of a building suspected of containing an explosive device. Radios will be turned off before searching the building!
  • If any person observes a suspected device, suspicious item or unusual object, Wayne Police Department and Wayne State College Campus Security Department must be notified.
  • If no device or object is located and it is determined that the building appears to be clear, a decision will be made by the Incident Commander to re-enter the buildings affected and reestablish classes.
  • Do not re-enter the building until emergency personnel or designee notifies you to do so.
  • Appropriate notifications will be made to the Institutions administration as to the results of the bomb threat event.